Composition of committees

Financial Permanent Committee

Chairman of the Committee: Monvīds Švarcs (new unity, movement FOR, Latgale party)
Contact information: e-mail:
Vice-President of the Committee: Erika Teirumnieka (National Association for All Latvia) - “For the Land and Freedom/LNNK”, political party “Latvian regional association”
Composition of the committee: Vilis Deksnis, Aivars Buharins, Stanislav Škesters, Georgijs Jevsikovs, Guntis Rasims, Zigfrīds Lukasevics.

Territorial Standing Committee

Chairman of the Committee: Staņislavs Skesters (Union of Greens and Farmers)
Vice-President of the Committee: Jānis Freibergs (“Latvian Development”)
Committee composition: Vilis Deksnis, Anita Ludborža, Felicija Leščinska, Vasīlijs Arbidāns, Aija Kiserovska, Ērika Teirumnieka, Stanislav Shakesters.

Permanent Committee on Education, Culture and sporta

Chairman of the Committee: Guntis Rasims (New Conservative Party)
Contact information: e-mail:
Vice-President of the Committee: Anita Ludborža (Jaunā Vienotība, movement FOR, Latgale party)
Komitejas sastāvs: Guntra Kuzmina-Jukna, Inta Brence, Aivars Buharins, Guna Popova, Ērika Teirumnieka, Guna Zenčenko

Permanent Committee on Social and Health Issues

Chairman of the Committee: Inta Brence (new unity, movement FOR, Latgale party)
Contact information: e-mail:
Vice-President of the Committee: Gunārs Smeilis (Union of Greens and Farmers)
Composition of the committee: Vilis Deksnis, Rita Tērauda, Felicija Leščinska, Vasilijs Arbidāns, Guna Popova, Jānis Freibergs

Standing Committee on Economic Development

Chairman of the Committee: Georgijs Jevsikovs (“Latvian Development”)
Vice-President of the Committee: Gunārs Smeilis (Union of Greens and Farmers)
Composition of the committee: Guntra Kuzmina - Yukna, Rita Tērauda, Aija Kiserovska, Guntis Rasims, Guna Zenchenko, Zigfrīds Lukasevics
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