Berzgale primary school, Nautrene secondary school unit

History of the school:
- In 1896, Antonijs Veitko founded the first triple primary school with Latvian language.
- The number of classes gradually increases: from the thirteenth of the four-class, six-year-old school.
- From 1953 to Berzgale School, part-school status.
- In 1957, Berzgale School acquired secondary school status.
- In 2001, the last secondary school graduate in Berzgale High School.
- Berzgale's primary school is active in 2001-2009.
- From 1 September 2009, Berzgale primary school – Nautre secondary school unit.
- The school has been in several buildings, but longest in the old manor building, which was built on 2 nd floor and 3 rd storey for the school.
- On December 8, 1990, Berzgale school moved to the current new school building.
Educational programmes:
- Basic education programme (code 21011111).
- Special basic education programme for students with learning disabilities (code 21015611).
- A special basic education programme for students with mental disabilities integrated into the General Basic Education Authority (code 21015811).
Polls of interest in Berzgale primary school:
- People's dance (clips 1-4), manager - Anita Turlaya
- Liner dances (clips 5-9), driver - Anita Turlaya;
- Theatre (clips 1-4), manager - Inga Kroiča;
- Theatre (clips 5-9), manager - Inga Kroiča;
- Sports games for girls (clips 3-9), manager - Antonia Kroice;
- Bar ansamblis (kl. 1-9), manager - Guntra Kuzmina;
- Applied art (clips 5-9), manager - Oļegs Zukov;
- Sports games for boys (clips 5-9), manager - Oļegs Zukov
- Cyclists (clips 2-5), driver - Oļegs Zukov
- Visual art group “Radejoy” (clips 1-9), manager - Sylvia Barkane.