Ozolaines pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Jāņtārpiņš”

Address: "Zariņš' , Bekši, Ozolaines pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4633

Phone:  29129304, vadītāja - 28635261

Epasts:  ozolainepii@saskarsme.lv

Darba laiks: pirmdienā no 7.00. līdz piektdienas 18.00. Iestādē ir diennakts grupa. Tas ir atbalsts strādājošiem vecākiem, kuri bērnus var izņemt vēlā vakarā. Uzņemam bērnus no 1,5 gada vecuma ar sociālā dienesta un bāriņtiesas saskaņojumu.

The Head of the Authority: Valentine Malisheva

Izglītības iestādes misija – Create a children-friendly, targeted, evolving, inclusive and supportive environment where a professional team, through effective cooperation, helps to develop the child's desire to explore themselves and the surrounding world, individual capacities and skills by providing the child with the opportunity to prepare for the acquisition and life of basic education in a modern changing environment.

 Izglītības iestādes vīzija par izglītojamo – Pirmsskolēns ir radošs darītājs, kurš ieklausās, vēro, pēta pasauli, apzinās savas emocijas un intereses, kontrolē un vada savu uzvedību un emocijas.

Programmas realizācijas vieta - Pils iela 1, Lūznava, Lūznavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4627.
We are only 14 kilometres from Rezekne, at the edge of Rēzekne – Daugavpils Road.

Izglītojamo skaits 2024./2025. m.g. - 92

We offer:

  • The general pre-school education programme (code 01011111), which is implemented in Latvian,
  • Special pre-school education programme for students with mixed development disorders (code 01015611).

We can be proud of cultivated and strong traditions, with people working on strengthening these traditions. The institution is a creative collective, educators open to new ideas, ready to accept new challenges. This is an important prerequisite for mutual cooperation to achieve positive results. The kindergarten works people who love their work and do it from the heart, and it is a cousin and simplicity. The children feel and appreciate it, with pleasure coming to the garden.

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