North Latgale municipality of children and youth folklore clusters/sketch “behind the river as grows” in McKashans



On 26 April, Lucia Rananes McKashan held a group of children and youth folklore groups of the northern Latgale – skate “behind the upeitis as grou”, with more than 350 participants from various Latgale provinces, cities, parishes and schools.
The municipality was represented BY Gaigalavas “Purineņš”, McKashan “Cookleite”, Maltas folklore set, Ludza “Žibuļeits”, Nautrēnu “Rogovka”, Reznas “Uobuļishi”, the Ludza City Council of Gymnasia, Newcastle “Tower of the Tower”, Viļānu “Biteites”, Viļānu high school folklore, Ciblas “Long”, Andrupenes “Saivea”, liepu elementary school “Liepinas”, Kaunatas “Razneen”, Nirzas “Sprygui”, “JTP22T“ Razneen ”, Pušmucova“ Oluteņi ”, New Jerusalem“ Sovskaya ”, Rezekne“ Oscar ”.
Young people had the opportunity not only to share their traditions of the People's traditions, to sing and dance together, but also to participate in the masterworkshops offered by the School of McCasanas. The most exciting proved to be the game Laser tag when the game weapons and equipment had to be hunted. In the wood-processing workshop, there was an optical illusion in the study of natural sciences, while the new school building was created by artistic wall decorations about the spring theme.
The purpose of the event was the acquisition and inheritance of local singing, narrative, musical and dancing traditions in the context of the topic “beyond the upward of the river”, 'tasty' and 'Kōzys'.
The event was organised by the co-ordinator of the group of children and youth folklore of North Latgale Rasma Igaune, L.Rananes McKashan High School collective and Director Gundega Ranāne.
The folklore family, with his presence, was honored by folklore expert Mars Mellee, Dina Liep, and Anete Carlson.
Gundega Ranāne,
Director of the Secondary School of Lucia Ranceans McKashan
photo: League Salmane and Agnija Pujate
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