Barricade reflection event in Berzgale

Since the cold 1991 barricades, 24 years have passed. It's one moment in history. In a man's life, much more. What was the time on our side? It turns out that the history of historical events can only be restored as a mosaic from memory episodes.
In the funeral, the school sports area at the evening of 21 January gathered representatives of various generations – those whose barricades are associated with personal memories, as well as those who have only heard about the barricades.
As a result of the discovery of the event, a small look at the events of January 1991 was given by the history teacher Sarmitte Orlovska and the head of the cultural house. On how the volunteer barricade advocates sent and sent to Riga, what technique was used, was told by the head of the parish administration, Arvīds Dunskis, who worked as an engineer at that time in the Soviet economy “Bērzgale”. The barricades defenders from Bērzgales guarded the television tower. One of the baricade participants, Juris Skruļs, shared the memories. It was interesting for the present to look at the memorial sign of Jura's 1991 barricades.
The memory of the camel, his feelings and feelings were remembered by the family members of the barricades, the relatives, the neighbors, and the people who were working or visiting Riga at the time.
In January 1991, which marked the course of events in the direction of Latvia's independence, it is important to remember each, but especially the younger generation, who was born in an independent Latvia. It was the time of the People's unity and hope.
A small insight in the 1991 mood can be found in the exhibition prepared by Anton Rupains Museum, which will be viewed in the parish administration premises.
Daila Ekimane
Head of the Berzgale Cultural House
Photo: Daila Ekimane