Alarm lifting

What is an alarm

Raising an alert is an opportunity to promote a legitimate, fair and open organisation of the organisation.

The possibility of bringing an alert in Latvia is introduced by: Law on Introduction acceptance.

The whistleblower is a natural person who provides information on a suspected infringement which may be detrimental to the public interest where that information is deemed true by a person and has been obtained in the course of his duties or in the establishment of legal relationships relating to the performance of his duties, or in practice, and which, as a result of the provision of such information, may result in adverse consequences.

Any alleged infringement of the public interest, of criminal offences, administrative offences or other legal norms, as well as of ethics or other professional norms, may be subject to an alert.

The lifting of the alarm is not:
• anonymous provision of information;
• a report of a legal person;
• provision of information on the privacy of personal interests;
• deliberate provision of false information;
• Information specified in the Law on Introduction disclosure.

How to raise an alarm

An alarm may be:
• internally in your workplace;
• in the competent institution;
• With whistleblower contact point - national stationery – mediation;
• through non-governmental organisations, associations, trade unions or foundations;
• publicly In the cases specified in the Law on Introduction.

The alert originator message must specify Information specified in the Law on Introduction. You can use the alert Designer Message Form.

The internal alarm system in the municipality of Rezekne is set up with regulations No. 33 of the Municipality 06.02.2020 “provisions on the internal alarm system in the municipality of Rezekne” approval.

To submit an alarm to the municipality of Rezekne in the municipality of Rezekne may:
in electronic document form, send to e-mail address;
• in the form of a paper document, in a closed envelope marked “Introducer message” by inserting a mailbox or by post to the address release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601;
• klātienē pašvaldības atbildīgajai personai trauksmes celšanas jautājumos 209. kabinetā, prokuratūras spārnā, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, Rēzeknē.

The Rēzekne council shall be held by the responsible persons of the local government in matters relating to the raising of alerts:

Internal audit units
manager, senior internal auditor
Oscars Vasilyev
phone 64607175

Internal audit units
internal auditor
Jolanta Levanova
phone 64607175

Additional information on alert lifting

Before you raise an alarm, you must read Law on Introduction and Regulation No. 33 of the municipality of Rezekne, Regulation No. 33 “Regulations regarding the internal alarm system in the municipality of Rezekne”.

Further information on how to raise an alert and where to raise an alert, as well as the security warrants of the whistleblower, can be found at

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