Social Department

Social department of the municipality of Rezekne

Address: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95a, Rezekne, LV-4601

Phone: 64607194, 64607176, 64607184


Darba laiks: 8.00 – 16.30

Social services

Social department of the municipality of Rezekne

In order to ensure the provision of social services and social assistance and administration of services, the municipality of Rezekne has established a social service. The aim of the social service is to help people solve or reduce social problems, provide material support to disadvantaged persons in crisis situations and promote the participation of workers in improving their situation. 35 social workers, 3 psychosocial consultants, 20 carers, 1 psychologist, 1 specialist car driver are also employed in the municipal social service of Rezekne.

Rezekne Municipality, in order to receive all types of social services and information on social assistance, must return to social workers in rural counties.

Social assistance in Rezekne municipality

Social assistance is a money or property benefit which is based on the assessment of material resources for families (persons) who lack resources to meet basic needs.

Basic needs — food, clothing, housing, healthcare, compulsory education.

The purpose of social assistance is to provide material or property benefits which are based on the assessment of material resources.

Persons (families) who are lacking the basic needs of the funds shall provide social assistance on the basis of the assessment of the family (person), material resources – income and property, individually providing for the co-operation of each client.

Types of social assistance benefits:

  1. the benefit of the guaranteed minimum income (hereinafter - GMI) level;
  2. housing allowance;

Other types of municipal benefits:

  1. one-off benefit in a crisis situation;
  2. allowance for child nutrition in general educational institutions and pre-school educational institutions;
  3. one-off allowance for the family due to the birth of a child;
  4. health benefit;
  5. pre-grading allowance;
  6. funeral allowance;
  7. benefit from deprived persons;
  8. provision of childcare allowance;
  9. benefit in a significant life anniversary

Social guarantees for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as foster families, a benefit for an orphan and a child who has remained without parental care:

  1. an apartment (dwelling) allowance for a child orphan and a child who has remained without parental care;
  2. foster family allowance;
  3. the benefit of an orphan and child who has died without parental care;

Laws and regulations:

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