
The Great Linden Hill

CLOSED FOR TECHNICAL REASONS The Great Linden Hill (289.3 m.v.j.l.) is Latgale highest and Latvia's third highest peak, (second at relative height (86 m)), located in Rāzna National Park area.

Dzerkaļi, Kaunatas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rāzna National Park

Salas swamp

Pre-login! Description of the hiking route: do not find lakes in the swamp of the island, or akachs, but

Gaigalavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Observation Tower in Ančupāni

ŠOBRĪD SLĒGTS NOLIETOJUMA PĒC. NOŅEMTAS ARĪ NORĀDES ZĪMES. Pacelties 121 pakāpienu tuvāk debesīm un novērtēt krāšņo

Pridenoji, Kolna Ančupāni, Vērēmu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Boulder path

4 significant arable stones are seen in the stone trail. Stendi at the edge of the trail story of the ecosystem in the surrounding area - bebraines, pes

Jaunstašuļi, Mākoņkalna pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rāzna National Park

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