Representatives of the Latgale region catering companies visited the Gotland region in Sweden under the BELLA CUISINE project
Representatives of Latgale catering companies took part in a training trip to the Gotland region in Sweden from 6 to 9 May. The Gotland region in Sweden, like Latgale region in Latvia, is one of the 27 full regions active in the European culinary heritage network, thus promoting their regional identity and the use of local raw materials in food preparation.
The first place visited by Latgalians was a restaurant Lindgårdenlocated in the capital of Gotland in Visby. It was possible to enjoy the traditional Gotland lamb meat with potato biscuits and spring greens. Your restaurant Skanården he was presented by Henrik Westerlund, who told him what he meant to be a restaurant owner in Visby, a Swedish restaurant in the condensed city of approximately 1 million visitors in the summer season. On the farm Sigsarve Lamb both the lamb and the growing of cereals were told. This topic was not alien to Latgale entrepreneurs who are engaged in agriculture and cereals.
Tourist-friendly guesthouse was visitedGrågåsen“(“ grey goose ”), whose owners Maria and Hokans told about the company and showed the surrounding area. Here is the Körsbärsgården (cherry garden) -- an art hall 500 sq. in the area, with a garden that grows plants from the otrās half of the s, as well as a cafe and a shop that is visited by around 20 000 tourists in summer. There was a chance to enjoy medieval environments in a cathedral.
In a small town, Latgale businessmen visited the chocolate plant in Niger (När), where they listened to the operation of the plant and met the Hejdes bakery representative. The rommund in the sheep farm was told about the company and shown a demonstration of the dog's sheep.
The restaurant in Cathammarswick had dinner with a rich fish choice, where we met Olof Thomas, a triumphant musician with his dog Bruno. The collector of the truffle mushrooms said of the acquisition of the extremely expensive and valuable triumphs mushrooms and their disposal. A wild onion meadow, a Roman sugar factory with other companies, a Roman manor and a Roman mill was also visited. Delicateses, cheeses with additives, and various drinks produced in Stafu were kept on the farm.
In a vegetable farm Stora Tollby (big Tollby village) was told about the cultivation of potatoes and the change of generations still active in the company. In the small Fårö island there was a meeting with bread bakeries Sylvis Döttrar (Sylvia's daughters), who talked about their experiences in this area.
We became aware of the history of lime industry in the museum of bläse lime. The Lärbro War Hospital was also visited, telling about its history, the development stock company, which was founded to take care of the buildings in Lärbro and development in the surrounding area, a new and interesting way to develop the fields.
The exchange of experience took place in THE project LLB-2-266 “Improving culinary services in Latgale and Vitebsk regions, based on the concept of culinary heritage” within the framework of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument for Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus cross-border cooperation programme. Total budget of the project: EUR 483 195,05. From this amount, 90% – 434 875.54 EURO is the support of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument for Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus.
Tatjana Kozačuk
Project LLB-2-266 Head OF BELLA CUISINE
+371 26395176,