Public deliberation

Publiskā apspriešana par koku ciršanu ārpus meža Vērēmu pagastāNautrēnu apvienības pārvalde paziņo par publisko apspriešanu par 5 koku (4 kļavas un 1 liepa) ciršanu uz pašvaldības nekustamā īpašuma “Vērēmu pamatskolas” teritorijā – sporta laukuma projektēšanai un būvdarbu veikšanai, Sondoru-Šķeņevas ciemā.
Ieteikumi tiks pieņemti laika posmā no 09.09.2024. līdz 23.09.2024., telefoniski pa tālr. 64628833, uz e-pastu:, personīgi vai pa pastu: Verēmu pagastā, Centra iela 1, Sondori-Šķeņeva, Vērēmu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4647.
Sākotnējā sabiedriskā apspriešana paredzētai darbībai derīgo izrakteņu ieguvei smilts-grants un smilts atradnē “Gaiduļi” Rēzeknes novada Čornajas pagastāParedzēts veikt smilts-grants un smilts ieguvi atradnē “Gaiduļi” 9,875 ha platībā virs un zem pazemes ūdens līmeņa. 
No 2024. gada 16. septembra līdz 14. oktobrim var sūtīt rakstiskus priekšlikumus par paredzēto darbību Vides pārraudzības valsts birojam (Rūpniecības iela 23, LV-1045, Rīga, tālr. 67321173,, e-pasts:
Sākotnējās sabiedriskās apspriešanas sanāksme notiks hibrīdformā 8. oktobrī plkst. 15.00 Čornajas pagasta Tautas namā (Miera iela 1, Čornaja, Čornajas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads).
Publiskā apspriešana par koka ciršanu ārpus meža Dricānu pagastāDricānu apvienības pārvalde paziņo par publisko apspriešanu par 8 (astoņu) koku ciršanu ārpus meža Dricānu pagastā.
Koki atrodas uz Pilcenes svētā Antona Romas katoļu draudzes īpašumā esošā zemes gabala ar kadastra apzīmējumu 7850 007 0247.
Publiskā apspriešana par koku ciršanu Nagļu pagastāDricānu apvienības pārvaldē Nagļu pagastā ir saņemts iedzīvotāju iesniegums ar lūgumu atļaut nozāģēt pie 1., 2. un 3. daudzdzīvokļu mājas esošos piecus kokus, jo daži no šiem kokiem ir bojāti, koku lapas rudenī piegružo apkārtni, bojā blakus esošās ēkas. Koki atrodas uz pašvaldībai piekritīgā zemes gabala ar kadastra Nr. 78740050368. Vēstuli parakstījuši 11 iedzīvotāji no 3 daudzdzīvokļu mājām.
Publiskā apspriešana par koka ciršanu Ozolmuižas pagastāRēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Dricānu apvienības pārvalde” paziņo par publisko apspriešanu 1 koka ciršanai Ozolmuižas pagastā.
Koka ciršanas mērķis – koks ir bojāts un apdraud blakus esošos kapu pieminekļus.
Publiskā apspriešana par koka ciršanu Ozolmuižas pagastāRēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Dricānu apvienības pārvalde” paziņo par publisko apspriešanu 1 koka ciršanai Ozolmuižas pagastā. Koka ciršanas mērķis: koks ir bīstams, jo ir sasvēries uz vienu pusi un apdraud kapu pieminekļus.
Laļu kapsēta (kadastra apz. 78780010097) – 1 koks (egle), koka apkārtmērs 160 cm.
Publiskā apspriešana par koku ciršanu Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldēSaskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības 2012.gada 15. novembra saistošiem noteikumiem Nr.91 “Par koku ciršanu ārpus meža Rēzekne novadā”, Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības “Kaunatas  apvienības pārvalde” paziņo par publisko apspriešanu par 53 koku ciršanu pašvaldības īpašumā esošās kapsētu teritorijās. Mērķis: atbrīvoties no veciem, dabiski ielauztiem, vizuāli neizskatīgiem un cilvēkiem, un apkārtējai videi bīstamiem kokiem un sausiem zariem. Tiks sakārtota kapsētu  teritorija.
Notice of public consultation for one tree felling in VecrujinMaltas of the association of association shall notify the public consultation of one tree felling in the territory of the local government, in the land unit with cadastre designation 7888 004 0363, located on the beach street 2 (at the barns) in Vecružin, Silmalas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Notice of public consultation on tree felling IN parish Lūznavas“Maltas Association Board” declares that a tree felling on parcels of cadastre numbers 78680020444 and 78680020410 in Luznava is planned to be carried out in THE village of Lūznavas.
Public consultation on wood felling AT Viļānu Street 21, KrucosMaltas of the association of association shall notify the public consultation of one tree felling in the territory of the local government, in a land unit with cadastre designation 7888 007 0460, located AT Viļānu Street 21, Krukos, Silmalas parish, Rezekne municipality. Purpose of tree felling: to discard the tree that damages the sewage system.
Public consultation on tree felling outside the forest IN Kaunatas civil parishKaunatas parish administration announces public consultation on 9 tree (osh) felling on the “Kaunatas People's House” of the municipal estate – Kaunatas TN in the foreground, along Razna Street.
The recommendations will be adopted in the period from 10.03.2023 to 24.03.2023, telephone telephone. 64667000, e-mail:, personal or post: Kaunatas association, Raznas street 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4622. Phone for reference 29224840.
Notice of public consultation on tree felling IN parish AudriņuIN Audriņu parish administration, a submission was received at Rēzekne Street 4 with a request to permit the stealing OF the two trees in the village of Rēzekne 4 in the home yard of Rēzekne. The trees are dangerous because they are dead or partially dead and endanger the population, and in view of the height of the trees, they are dangerously close to the house. The trees are located on the property with cadastre No. 78420040195. The letter was signed by 14 people from 14 apartments (together 18 apartments) - the population of “Rēzekne street 4”.
In view of the interests of the parish population, the parish administration asks citizens to express their views on the sawing or preservation of these trees. Applications and recommendations will be accepted in the period from 08.02.2023 to 21.02.2023, telephonically or personally in the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Audriņu parish, Krasuha Street 1A, k-1, Audiros, Audriņu parish, Rezekne municipality, at the nodes, Tel: 64628241.
Public consultation of the nature reserve “Lubana wetlands”Public consultation meetings of the nature reserve “Luban wetlands” will be held in 2023 1 February at 17:00 Gaigalavas in the cultural house Rezekne municipality in Gaigalava, Rēzekne street 2.
No 2023. gada 9. janvāra the plan can be accessed electronically and with its printed version and related documents to stakeholders individually will be accessible at the public consultation meetings, the dates and locations mentioned above.
Express opinions and make proposals for a plan in meetings or in writing by 8 February 2023by addressing them to the developer OF the plan SIA “Enviroproject” (small camp street 31, Riga, LV-1002, or, ).
Public consultation on tree felling IN parish AudriņuIn view of the interests of the parish population, the parish administration asks citizens to express their views on the sawing or preservation of these trees. The submissions and recommendations will be accepted in the period from 24.10.2022 to 06.11.2022, telephonically or personally in the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Audriņu parish, Krasuha street 1A, k/1, Audiros, Audriņu parish, Rezekne municipality, at the umbrella, Tel: 64628241.
Public consultation on tree felling IN Lūznavas civil parishPlease submit your proposals and applications to the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Lūznavas parish (Castle Street 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality), telephone 64607421, or e-mail:, from 28 July 2022 to 10 August 2022.
Publiskā apspriešana par četru koku ciršanu Pleikšņu ciemā Rītausmas teritorijā

Saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības 2012. gada 15. novembra saistošajiem noteikumiem Nr.91 “Par koku ciršanu ārpus meža Rēzeknes novadā”, struktūrvienība '"Ozolaines pagasta pārvalde" paziņo par publisko apspriešanu 4 koku ciršanai pašvaldības teritorijā, zemes vienībā ar kadastra apzīmējumu 78760012494, kas atrodas Pleikšņu ciemā, Ozolaines pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā. Koku ciršanas iemesls: cilvēkiem un apkārtējai videi bīstami, rada bojājumus tuvumā esošo ēku fasādēm, elektrotīkla skapim. Izcērtamie koki (centimetros norādīts koku stumbra apkārtmērs): četras kļavas – stumbru diametrs 1,3 m augstumā no zemes 245 cm, 162 cm 145 cm un 205 (koku augstums līdz 25 metriem).
Priekšlikumus un ierosinājumus lūdzam iesniegt Ozolaines pagasta pārvaldei no šī gada 17. jūnija līdz 1. jūlijam pa e-pastu:; tālr. 64640171, korespondencei: “Lazdas”, Balbiši, Ozolaines pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4633.
Public consultation on 38 tree felling in municipal-owned cemeteries, village in KaunataTheir proposals by 8 April 2022 please submit to Kaunatas civil parish or parish administrations:, tel. 64644192;, tel. 64667000;, tel. 64637598;, tel. 64646741.
Notice of public consultation on tree felling in the territory of the Vilnius Alliance
Please submit your proposals and applications to the municipality of Rēzekne “Administration of the Vilnius Alliance” (cultural area 1A, Vilnius, Rēzekne municipality), telephone 64628033, or e-mail:, from from 1 December 2021 to 15 December 2021.
Kalnkalns parish plans to carry out seven tree felling
Please submit your proposals and applications to the municipal council of the municipality of Rezekne at the School Street 3, Lipuškos, Makoņkalna civil parish, Rezekne municipality, on October 29, 2021 (contact tel.: 64646741 or e-mail
Public consultation on tree felling in the village of Griškana parish
Please submit your proposals from 19 October 2021 to 2 November 2021 FOR THE RNP Kaunata Association's management unit “Griškanu civil parish administration” e-mail: , Tel. 64640431
Pstem consultation on tree felling in the parish of Gaigalava parish
We ask you to submit your proposals and applications to the municipality of the municipality of Rēzekne “Administration of the Drucalava parish” (Rēzeknes street 2, Gaigalava, Gaigalava parish, Rezekne municipality), telephone 64644537, or e-mail:, starting from 13 October 2021 to 29 October 2021.
Public consultation of the Nature Park “Aamovas lake”
The proposal may be submitted in writing by 1 November for the developer of the Nature Protection Plan for Ilmatir Bodnieks (Paula Lejina street 16-44, Riga, LV-1029, or
In accordance with the binding Regulation No 91 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 15 November 2012 “on the felling of trees outside the forest in Rēzekne municipality”, the Ozolaine parish administration announces public consultation for 8 tree felling in the local government territory, in a land unit with cadastre designation 7876 001 2636, located in Pleikšņi, Ozolaine parish, Rezekne municipality.
Suggestions are requested from the Ozolaine parish administration from 12 April to 27 April 2021 by e-mail:; tel. 646440171, correspondence: “'lazdas”', Balbei, Ozolaine parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4633.
The “Rikavas civil parish” unit of the municipality of Rezekne, “Rikavas civil parish”, declares the public consultation on the felling of 10 trees for the sorting of the area of Jokstu in the area of 0.3 ha (land cadastre designation 78820060075).
Proposals and applications from 17 March to 31 March 2021: e-mail:; tel. 64607080 or 64608081.
The municipality of Rēzekne, “Kaunata parish association”, announces public consultation on 124 tree felling in municipalities owned by the municipality. Objective: to dispose of old, naturally-broken, visually non-looking and human and environment-threatening trees and dry branches. The cemetery and parish areas will be sorted, the threat to human safety will be avoided. The circumference of the tree trunk is indicated in the centimeter.
March 3, 2021
R“Ozolmuiža parish council” unit of the municipality of the municipality of Dricana municipality  planned to perform 17 tree felling and 1 tree crown.

March 10, 2021
The “Signagala parish council” unit of the municipality of Rezekne states that it is planning to carry out the felling of dangerous trees in the territory of Sakstagala parish.
30 May 2021
Public consultation on tree felling outside the forest in Ilzeskalna civil parishThe parish administration asks citizens to express their views on the sawing or conservation of trees. The submissions and recommendations will be adopted from 25 January 2022 to 8 February 2022 by the “Ilzeskalna parish administration” unit of the municipality of Rēzekne (Centre Street 1, Ilzeskalns, Ilzeskalna civil parish, Rēzekne municipality), telephone 64644580, or e-mail:
Public consultation on tree felling Bexes
Proposals and suggestions shall be submitted to the Ozolaine parish administration from 1 March to 15 March of that year by e-mail:; tel. 646440171, correspondence: “'lazdas”', Balbei, Ozolaine parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4633.
Public consultation on tree felling in Ozolmuiža civil parishPlease submit your proposals and applications in the municipality of Rēzekne District Ozolmuiža parish (“Laimas”, Ozolmuiža, Ozolmuiža civil parish, Rēzekne municipality), e-mail:, from 24 March to 7 April of that year.
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