The project “clean water programme regions” of Latvia-Russia's cross-border cooperation programme will improve the safety and quality of life

The Latgale Planning Region, in cooperation with the Pleskava city municipal company Gorvodoconal, is implementing the Latvian-Russian cross-border cooperation programme 2014-2020 project LV-RU-003 “clean water programme regions”, acronym Pure Water (clean water).
The Latvian-Russian cross-border cooperation programme 2014-2020 financially supports joint cross-border development activities with a view to improving the competitiveness of regions through their potential and locations at crossroads between the European Union and the Russian Federation. The app website is
The overall objective of the project is to improve the safety and quality of life by providing access to freshwater resources in Latvia - Russia's cross-border region. The implementation of the project will contribute to ensuring the higher quality of drinking water and raise awareness of sustainable water consumption for the population of Pleskava and Latgale region.
Currently the leading project partner from Russia, Pleskava city municipal company Gorvodokonal, is carrying out construction work within the framework of the project. As a result of the implementation of the project, an alternative source of drinking water from underground water will be built in Pleskava, which will provide a city with clean drinking water from the underground layers, reducing the amount of pollution in the supplied water in the populated sector and urban infrastructure and reducing the amount of waste water drainage in the programme regions. In addition to construction work, experience exchanges will be carried out with the aim of increasing the experience of the staff responsible for the operation of water supply equipment. Representatives of the Pleskava district will visit us in Latgale to share good practice and discuss common issues in the water and waste water management sector in Latgale region and in the Pleskava area.
In spring 2020, training on new technologies and solutions for water supply and water treatment in Latgale region and Pleskava area will be organised. They will be targeted at local government and company staff associated with water supply to promote awareness and capacity building. Raising awareness and awareness of the population of Pleskava and Latgale region regarding the need to save water resources will be organised in various information activities – in spring 2021 a water festival will be organised in Latgale region and water day for the promotion of water resources. In Latgale region, the interactive exhibition “water” will be created and installed with the aim of explaining to all exposure visitors on the principles of abstraction and use of drinking water, on municipal waste water and on aquatic organisms.
The total budget of the project is EUR 3 888 888,89. Project co-financing from Latvia-Russia cross-border cooperation programme 2014-2020 is 3.5 million EUR. The Latvian-Russian cross-border cooperation programme 2014-2020 is co-financed by the European Union, the Republic of Latvia and the Russian Federation. The project implementation period is 24 months.
For more information on the activities foreseen in the project, you can find the Regional Projects-Pure Water after link in the Latgale Region Planning website:
This publication is prepared with financial support from the Latvian-Russian cross-border cooperation programme 2014-2020. The content of the Latgale Planning Region is fully responsible for its content and may not reflect the views of the programme, the Member States of Latvia and Russia, as well as the European Union.
The information was prepared by:
Head of the project “clean water programme regions” Natalia Kurakina

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