Completion of the high school infrastructure development project of the municipality of Rezekne

More than six hectares – such is the total area for the educational block in Malta, which has entered the Rēzekne municipality on 4 December as part of the project “Rural development of the municipality of Rezekne”. In implementing the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project, significant reconstruction works have been carried out not only in Malta but in three other secondary schools in Rezekne – Dricans, Kaunatā and Nautrēnu parish in Rogovka, where the works were completed by 30 October 2014. These places in the Rēzekne municipality map are further marked as educational and business contact points.

The idea of the project “Rēzekne Municipal High School Infrastructure Development” is based on the implementation of the priorities set out in the Rēzekne Municipality Development Strategy – the provision of accessible and qualitative general, interest and lifelong learning to the people of Rezekne, so that young people are creative and highly skilled professionals with a versatile view of the world, a large susceptibility and a willingness to participate.

As part of the Rēzekne municipality's secondary school infrastructure development project, Kaunatā reconstructed the construction of the sports hall and the simplified reconstruction of the secondary school boarding building, the Nautrēnos reconstructed school and the school hotel housing, as well as the repair of the school street within 0.3 km, while THE Dricānu secondary school reconstructed the school building housing and boiler house. Both financially and in terms of volume, the most ambitious work has been done at Maltas High School. As the project manager Alida Jasmane told, the first body of Maltas secondary school was reconstructed and the simplified reconstruction of the second body was carried out. “Maltas High School Common Infrastructure” has built a hall for pupils in the field of physical activity, grass events and pupil catering unit. The stadium reconstruction and improvement works are also carried out throughout the school area. 'Eur 11,5 million invested in the project Eur 54,781 TP1T is the financing of the European Regional Development Fund, 41,471 TP1T is municipal co-financing and 3,751 TP1T – State budget grant.

Both THE designer OF THE Maltas object, the “SIA SAALS” designer Māris Krūmins and the responsible work manager Valdis Čerpakovskis, from the construction company “RBSSKALS”, acknowledged that the most interesting and most complex of the work performed was visible outside: “the double wooden grid facade on existing“ sandwichpanels ”is not yet a solution in Latvia. In addition, wooden grids have unusual color changes that look different from each angle," said Valdis Cherpakovsky.

Maltas vidusskolas direktore Vinera Dimpere atklāj, ka skolai ar vairāk nekā 500 audzēkņiem par šauru bija gan līdzšinējās ēdināšanas telpas, gan sporta zāle: “Turpmāk plašajā sporta zālē, cits citam netraucējot, varēs sportot vairākas klases.” Maltas pagasta pārvaldes vadītājs Vitālijs Skudra teic, ka ir piepildījies sen lolots sapnis – projekta ietvaros starp skolas korpusiem izveidota pāreja, kas ļaus jebkuros laika apstākļos starp korpusiem staigāt siltumā un sausām kājām. Jaunās telpas ar nepacietību gaidīja arī skolēni. “Tagad skola un skolas teritorija ir ļoti skaista. Nevaram vien sagaidīt, kad varēsim spēlēt futbolu un volejbolu jaunajā fizkultūras zālē,” stāsta 5. b klases audzēkņi Andris un Tahirs.

When entering Maltas in a multifunctional medicine foyer, one tile is darker than the other. Underneath it, a capsule for future generations is displayed at all visible locations. A hundred or two hundred years later, the people of the future will find witnesses of this time: a message, Maltas secondary school wishes, a newly released 2 MILLION commemorative coin with a stork, a USB memory card with works and technical projects, as well as a malian-made priest and a root.

The President of the Rēzekne District Council, IN the final event OF THE Monvīds Švarcs project, thanked several hundreds of people who had put their hand in the implementation of a large school infrastructure project. Special gratitude was received by the builders of all objects, as well as the construction manager of the project manager Alida Jasmane and the municipality of Rezekne, Jānis Volks – directly they lived with each project-related work or event for more than a year.

Monvīds Švarcs emphasized that, with the completion of the school infrastructure, a significant objective of the municipality of Rezekne is being implemented – to create a learning environment that will help to change the thinking of children and to build a desire, the necessary knowledge and initiative in order to enable young people to become employers rather than workers. “Of course, the infrastructure created is just outer shell. In order to justify the investment, this shell must be filled with content, and it is necessary to work with the whole community as a whole, both for teachers, children and children. I wish the new and modern spaces inspire innovative ideas, important experiments and new discoveries!

Latvian Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma and Head of State Regional Development Agency Rinalds Muciņš participated in the final event. The Prime Minister wanted the Maltas High School to become a place for children to create a bright, knowledge-based and creative future. Rozentova's Roman Catholic Church, Rinalds Broks, was also joined by the Prime Minister's election: “for Maltas secondary school to become a bearer.” Let us get this light and try to pass it on. “With completed project colleagues in Malta, it was also performed BY Silmalas, Mākoņkalna, Ozolaines, Feimaņu and other parish managers and school directors, as well as the head of the Rēzekne municipality's children-youth sports school, Aldis Ziukmacis and the Rēzekne municipality sports specialist Igors Derjagin, from whom THE 1 TP44T secondary school gift received several football bombs and a wish“ that the sports hall always has a busy activity and a spirit of competition! ”

At Maltas, in a multifunctional Halles discovery event, pupils rushed to try the huge area by playing Florball, football, volleyball as well as gymnastics and running. Maltas parish and neighborhood students are lucky – they will be able to play three basketball sites in a large multifunctional hall. As from our parents and grandparents, we have received a contribution to today, as well as on December 4, the open-ended school and the multifunctional hall are our gifts for children of the future, especially as we are approaching the celebrations of the centenary of Latvia in 2018.


Video for the Europe Direct Information Centre in Eastern Latgale

Madara Laksa,
Public relations specialist of the municipality of Rezekne

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