Experience of exchange of experience to Sweden
At the end of April, Rezekne Municipality delegation to the project “Experience Exchange of Municipality Specialists in Exploring and Developing New Approaches for Smart Rural Territories in Latvia, Norway and Sweden” ("Exchange of experience of local government specialists in the exploration and development of smart rural areas in Latvia, Norway and Sweden ")they went to Sweden to familiarise themselves with the work of Swedish small municipalities, examples of good practice and the possibility of using them in their own government.
We visited the municipality of Torsbia in the north of Sweden in the province of Vermland, with an area of 4 162,2 km ². The population of the municipality of Torsbia is approximately 11 549, approximately 2.77 people per 1 km ² (for comparison - the Rezekne municipality has about 11 inhabitants per 1 km ²). Although Sweden is one of the richest countries with an orderly infrastructure and access to services for the population, it is affected by the global problem: the decline in population (demographic situation). Many leave rural areas and move to life closer to the centres, the small schools are closed.
I was particularly interested in cultural life in the municipality. We've visited a public library where you can receive and read not only books, a cultural event is organized, exhibitions, exhibitions, accessible meeting rooms, a person can just come, sit, drink tea or coffee, meet and talk to friends. Computers, access TO WiFi are available for public use.
The main library is well equipped, also serves as a secondary school library. Books, magazines, audio books, DVDs and language courses are available in libraries. Digital books and books with large letters are available for disabled people. The library contains a special collection of photographs and other resources for those studying genealogy (looking for family roots).
The main library also houses a public service centre that coordinates employment offices, social insurance agencies, pension institutions and tax authorities.
We were introduced to the mobile library and its activities. The Mobile Library “approves” local government to serve municipalities outside the centre. It also contains all library services.
We visited a ski tunnel of 8 metres wide, 4 m high 1.3 km long (in one direction, skiing in both directions) with a constant -3 ֯ C temperature. It is built in concrete and above the tunnel is a ground layer so that it resembles a stack (valve) from outside. The tunnel also contains an indoor biathlon shooting gallery with six electronic targets. It provides opportunities for biathlon training. The shooting gallery and the trace are often used by national athletes.
The population also has a swimming pool for which donations were collected.
The visitors of the torsby have the opportunity to visit many places of view that reflect local traditions and cultural heritage. Attended Finnskog Centrum, a lekvattnet museum that talks about the history of Finnish immigrants from XVII. The main exhibition of the museum is relatively new (installed in closed school premises), so there are few authentic things in it. Several sensometer buildings are located in the area (our open-air museum variant). The museum is owned by the local government. Another museum with the ancient buildings we visited is the Collsberg sētu Museum, which is managed by the association. It is located at the end of the beautiful Lake Fryken. The original wooden houses with traditional furniture are located here. All houses and buildings were ever located in or near Torsby.
The majority of the cultural and sporting activities of the courts in Sweden are due to voluntary work. Of course, there is a higher standard of living, so the individual can afford to work on a voluntary basis. More and a lot of interesting things and places have seen and can learn and make good progress in our own government. Interesting expanded conversations with local government employees.
But we don't call ourselves! We have something to be proud of. It is the nature of Latvia, culture - our songs, dances, folklore, People's suits, many authentic things not only in museums but still in our lives. These are the values to be maintained for future generations, to our guests, foreign tourists, to promote their country.
The Swedish ground was seen by Dayle Ekimane,
Organizer of the cultural events of Berzgales civil parish