Realization of the project “Purchase of sound hardware Audriņu parish for the performance of artistic collective activities”
Project No. 19-01-AL15-a019 .2202-000004 “Purchase OF sound hardware FOR the performance of Audriņu parish artistic collective activities” has been implemented in the framework of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development for Rural Development of Latvia's rural development programme 2014-2020 “Implementation of activities under the community-led local development strategy”.
The total amount of the project is eur 6684,83, including:
- 90% public funding – eur 6016,35;
- 10% co-financing from Audriņu parish budget funds – 668.48 euros.
The project's implementation resulted in the acquisition of sound hardware that will provide better and cheaper coverage of events: 10 microphone stands; 2 stage monitors; an active acoustic system with a built-in 2-channel mixer, a radio system with a hand-held microphone and a player; 6 radio microphone systems, each comprising a hand-held microphone, head microphone, belt transmitter; wire and prolongation.
Alexander Bindemanis
RNP NPA units
Head of THE “Audriņu parish administration”
Author photo
More information on the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development is available on the European Commission's website