Rēzekne District Council meeting (21.01.2021)

Publicēts: 19.01.2021

Atjaunots: 26.03.2021

On the agenda:

1. On amendments to the Order of the Orphan's Court OF Rēzekne Dricānu

2. On the amendment of the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 2 July 2020 “on the residential fund of the municipality of Rezekne”

3. Regarding amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne District Council of 15 October 2020 “on the establishment of permanent movable property and immovable property of the municipality of Rezekne, including the auction auction procedure, the establishment of premises and land lease rights auctions of the Commission”

4. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to former president OF the Council, Mr I.J.

5. On the recalculation of the granted benefit to former president OF the Council J.G.

6. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to former President of the Council OF Kaunatas

7. On the recalculation of the granted benefit to former president of the Council J.P.

8. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to former PRESIDENT OF the Council OF Lendžu, President OF the Council V.B.

9. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to the former President of the Council of Miglinieku parish, after a merger OF Nautrēnu parish to the Vice-President of the Council, P.L.

10. On the recalculation of the granted benefit to former president OF the Council J.M.

11. On the recalculation of the granted benefit to former PRESIDENT OF the Council OF Stoļerovas, President OF the Council P.B.

12. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to former PRESIDENT OF the Council of Vērēmu parish J.S.

13. On the approval of the auction results of the municipal estate “Rožukalns” Ozolmuižas

14. On the sale of apartment property No. 19 in the street 4, Dububles, Kaunatas parish, recognition of the auction as non-existent

15. On the approval of the results of the auction of the municipal apartment in Riga 4-23, Dubuules, Kaunatas parish

16. On the recognition of the municipal apartment property Stružānu parish auction as non-existent

17. On the approval of the results of the auction of the municipal housing estate Stružānu

18. On the approval of the apartment property “No. (..)” on the coast street 3, Ratniekos, Čornajas parish, the approval of the notional price

19. On the approval of the notional price of the immovable property “raspberry” Feimaņu

20. On the approval of the notional price of the “wound” OF the real estate “wound” Feimaņu

21. On the approval of the notional price of the immovable property “ploughs” Ilzeskalna

22. On the approval of the notional price of the property “Notras” Ozolaines

23. On the approval of the notional price of the “meadow” OF the immovable property “meadow” Ozolaines

24. On the approval of the notional price of the immovable property “beekelets” Vērēmu

25. On the transfer of real estate “dawn 290” Ozolaines to alienation J.P.

26. On the transfer of the property “pine mountain” Pušas to the disposal of the parish

27. On a municipal apartment in the youth street of 1-25, Luznava, Lūznavas parish, exchange against real estate in youth street 1-9, Luznava, Lūznavas civil parish

28. On immovable property in alleys 97/5, Rezekne, and release alley 97/8, Rēzekne, extension of the lease contract and amendments to the lease with VAS “State immovable property”

29. On immovable property in alleys 97/5, Rezekne, and liberation alley 97/8, Rezekne, taking over of the municipality of Rezekne in the ownership of the municipality

30. On the registration of land not utilised in the Land Register with cadastre designation 7850 008 0087 in the Land Register on the determination of the name of the local government and the status of the sub-parcel IN the parish OF Dricānu

31. On the registration of land not utilised in the Land Register with cadastre designation 7862 005 0546 in the Land Register on the territory of the local government in THE parish OF Kaunatas

32. On the approval of a land survey project for immovable property “Dzintars” IN Lūznavas civil parish

33. On the determination of the status of an intermediate unit for a land unit with cadastre designation 7846 002 0006 Čornajas civil parish

34. On the renewal of a social housing lease

35. On the letting of a social apartment

36. On the recognition of residential rental rights IN J.K. Lūznavas civil parish

37. On the participation of the municipality of Rezekne in the project “Establishment of a bats living school IN Lūznavas manor and park area”

38. On the allocation of Lake Pušas fish nets for captive fishing for 2021

39. On the issue of the binding Regulation No 73 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 21 January 2021 “on the budget of the municipality of Rezekne for 2021”

40. On compensation to Members of the Rēzekne District Council

41. Amending Annex 1 to the decision of the Council of the Rēzekne municipality of 31 January 2019 on the establishment of the position and monthly salaries of the municipality of Rezekne, “List of posts and monthly salaries of the municipality of Rezekne”

42. On the appointment of the staff of the social service staff of the municipality of Rezekne and the approval of the monthly salary list


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