Expert-examination of the technical projects of secondary schools of Rezekne and the expert-examination of the simplified reconstruction documentation

Procurement terminated by decision of the Commission of 27.05.2013.
1) the qualification of the only applicant has been declared ineligible, but the offer - for unjustified cheap;
2) it is necessary to clarify the requirements of the Regulation and to supplement the work task.
Purchase identification number - RNP 2013/5
Deadline for submission of tenders - May 17, 2013 at 11.00
Name and address of the commissioning party - Municipality of Rezekne, Liberation Alliance 95, Rezekne, LV-4601
Subject-matter of procurement - Expert-examination of the technical projects of secondary schools of the Rezekne municipality and the expert-examination of the simplified reconstruction documentation
Place of submission of tenders - Municipality of Rezekne, Liberation Alliance 95, Rezekne, LV-4601
Contact person - Alicda Jasmane, tel. 64634368, e-mail:

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