Vaccination against Covid-19 will take place during the holidays in Rēzekne and Viļani

Sestdien, 7. augustā no plkst.10.00 līdz 15.00 Rēzeknē Festivālu parkā, kā arī svētdien, 8. augustā no plkst.7.00 līdz 14.00 Viļānu tirgū notiks izbraukuma vakcinācija pret Covid-19.
Vaccination is carried out without prior notification (live order) and is provided by the Rezekne Hospital in cooperation with local governments and the National Armed Forces.
Vaccination will be carried out with the “Johnson & Johnson” subsidiary, Janssen and “Pfizer”/“ BioNTech ”, Comirnaty. Vaccination must be accompanied by a personal identification document (passport or ID card), a grafting passport (if any), while in adolescents 12 to 13 years of age, the presence of a mother or father (or other legal representative) is required, as well as the following documents: the legal representative, passport or identity card, as well as proof of the child (entry for children's passport or birth certificate, or, if necessary, notarially approved token).
Laura Sondore
SIA “Rezekne Hospital”
public relations specialist