Innovation and stability: the cornerstone of the development of the best Rēzekne municipality

For a quarter of a year, the municipality of Rezekne organizes the competition “Rēzekne District Company”. 26 applicants in nine nominations have been selected for the competition this year. Similarly to previous years, the most successful applicants – 11 – are nominated in the nomination “annual enterprise”, six applicants are nominated in nomination “annual innovative product/service implementer”, while five bidders have been nominated in nominations “annual new company” and “annual tourism service provider”. It should be noted that some of the applicants have been nominated in several nominations.
From mid-October to December, the Commission invited bidders to assess the activities of companies, attracting investments, creating new jobs, quality of products or services produced, originality, environmental protection and other aspects. The Commission's work on the evaluation of the competition was chaired by THE Chairman OF the Standing Committee on Development, Planning, Economy, Environment and Infrastructure of the municipality of Rezekne Kaspars Melnis. The evaluation Commission also operates the project manager Inga Zapāne, a representative of the consultative council of entrepreneurs and the owner OF THE ZS “Tiptops”, the title “annual company – the winner OF THE VIP 2014”, Jānis Kuzminskis, the representative of Rezekne High School Iveta Mietule, Member of the Rēzekne municipality council Guntis Rasims, Gaigalavas parish administration manager Voldemars Vabals and Lendžu parish administration manager Voldemar Decrsnis.
Evaluation Commission President Kaspars Melnis, following the visits of companies, says that it is a pleasure to meet and know entrepreneurs who are dealing with things that they are very much like and interested in: “it is pleasant to see how people hobby are going into business – that is what happened to the businessmen visited this year.” Kaspars Melnis acknowledged that the evaluation Commission had the opportunity to know entrepreneurs who operate in prisingly different areas and customers are able to offer a wide range of goods and services: “we can be proud that in our municipality there is a colossal opportunity to enjoy the sailing joy in Razna's Lake, that we are in the unofficial Latgale flag and produced a wide variety of flags that it is a new company that offers a unique service in the region of Latgale in the region of Latgale, and that there is a new company that offers a unique service in Latgale in the region of Latgale.”
On 5 January, the Commission is expected to meet together to assess the results and determine the winners of the prizes in each of the nominations. However, as usual, the winners' names will be revealed only on March 19, 2016, when the Latgale Embassy “GORS” will take place in “Rēzekne Municipality Day” and a solemn award ceremony.
We will then be able to get acquainted with the companies that are bidded in the competition.
Candidates nominated for the “Rezekne municipality 2015” competition:
Annual domestic producer:
Z/S “mint” (Sakstagala civil parish)
The meat and meat products produced by the Z/s “mint” organic farm (smoked, sausages, rolls) are popular not only in the nearby area but also in Riga, Daugavpils and elsewhere. The holding was established in December 1991. “MINT” deals with organic farming. Owners Evalds and May Bodji are proud of the Merino purebred German sheep herd, which is the second largest in Latvia. Sows are also grown on the farm. The meat is marketed both in unprocessed form and in processed form, in cooking products. “May by profession is a cook, it is inherited from Mom and grandmother, who has also been famous in the surroundings.” The drying recipes are created by the owners themselves, on the way of experiments to a good and delicious product. Recently, a long-lost dream of his meat-processing shop with a freezer. A new peat in sheep is currently being built, but the construction of the slaughterhouse will be launched in spring so that the production of the Bodge family can be labelled as organic. The municipality of Rezekne is located in the rural benefit market organised by the municipality directly at the “MINT” is usually the longest line of purchasers.
Annual craftsman:
Arnis Zachester (Ilzeskalna civil parish)
In Arnis Zachesta's workshop, it is now possible to see both ready-made wooden furniture, domestic interior objects, and the work of the master. “I'm going to make everything so much.” In summer i worked with agriculture, with wooden works mostly in winter, “– says the artist. Last winter, a large order from the country a/s“ Latvian State Forests ”– bird cages – had to be built around 400 birds. Wood-processing Arnis Zachester has been active since 1995. For his teachers, he calls the professor of the Secondary School of Art and Design in Rezekne, Jānis Igovens, and now eternity Peter Gleisdan. The cockpits, crucifixes, have been investigated jointly with him. In this area Arnim Zachester has created his own, special style and handwriting, which can be distinguished from other masters. His crucifixes are in several places in Rezekne Municipality – Nautrēnu parish in the graveyard of the Desetnieki, Ilzeskalna parish in the grave of Gailums, also in Rēzekne, Jupatovka Street graves and Viļānu in the monastery yard. One of the most recent works – the renovated crucifix in the place of Jānis Gleizda's homeland house IN Ilzeskalna parish in Vecgailumi.
Introduction of annual innovative products/services:
SIA “SAIL GURU” (Dricānu civil parish)
In the summer of 2015, SIA “SAIL GURU” introduced a new and innovative service that significantly contributes to the development of the tourism sector in Rezekne District – the company started to offer a unique opportunity to become a seafarer, and in order to do so even the sea is not necessary, as the elegant redwood sail “Sea Esta” seaweed is killed by the neighborhoods, in Latgale Sea – Razna Lake. Similarly, SIA “SAIL GURU” offers another non-existent service in Razna Lake – accommodation on the “Sea Esta” deck.
In the short period, THE “SAIL GURU” conquered popularity and became a favorite tourist object. As the captain of the sailor Andris Struckis said, more than 200 people had been on the yacht this year: “one trip can go up to 20 people. The sailor is anchored IN THE parish OF Čornajas, Razna Lake, called“ black Dukstigal ”, then through the“ white Dukstigal ”to the“ sea gate ”, or the outlet of the Lake Razna lake,“ about the course of the journey ”, the captain of the story, and adds,“ The best “Sea Esta” goes when the wind is swinging white tops on the lake waves. “With regard to future plans, Andris Struckis says that it is also planned to sail along Razna next year.“ It would be very fine to modernise the sail yacht so that the solar energy can be used in the spare time, ”one of his subsequent plans is discovered by the captain.
SIA “BALTIC FLAGS” (Feimaņu civil parish)
SIA “BALTIC FLAGS” was launched in 2007 under the name “Ltd flags”. The company's founder, Māris Romakis, is also an informal author of Latgale. In 2014, in connection with the growth of the company and the acquisition of new markets, it was decided to change the company's name to “BALTIC FLAGS”. The company did not only change the name but also the location – from Riga to Rezekne Municipality Feimaņiem, so that one of the village buildings was organized in Feyouts, as well as several new jobs. Many years of experience and professional staff, as well as the use of modern and advanced technologies in the manufacturing process, co-operation with leading European and global flags, promotional and Souvenir manufacturers ensure that BALTIC FLAGS products meet the highest quality requirements. Main activities of the company: flags and all accessories, souvenirs and offices, national and regional symbolics, outdoor advertising, exhibition and trade centre equipment. The workshop rooms in Feimas have already become narrow, there are 6 employees working at the installations.
Maris Romakh shows the guests a new banner-making technology that makes it easier and better to print the image directly on the fabric. He is pleased that the company is located directly in Feyouts. “The place good, at the edge of the road.” Now, many of them move their plant away from the city. Feimaņi is also a tourist object, nearby -- one of the oldest Catholic Churches, a unique crucifix. I am also lucky with neighbors, because we are together thinking about setting up the environment so that it is attractive for both ourselves and tourists. "
SIA “Brosteam” (Kantinieku civil parish)
SIA “Brosteam” is a new company that introduces the cleaning of innovative services in Latgale region – metal, wood, stone, etc. with sand jet. It is the only company of this kind in Rēzekne municipality and another in Latgale region. The cleaning of surfaces uses abrasive material, quartz sand as well as water, so that dust and technology are environmentally and environmentally friendly. “Brosteam” HAS two employees. As a member of the company's board of directors Valdis Orskis, the activity was started only two years ago. “I saw how such a company was working in Germany, i decided to try to get to us because there was a free niche.” I went to the mortgage bank, told the idea, offered to write a business plan to qualify for the financing of the Altum project of the development finance institution. The demand, of course, would want to be bigger, maybe we don't think about a big ad, but it's enough. 'The company provides its services both in Latgale and Riga and also in other regions, for example, recently in Ventspils to clean up the bottom of the ship.
SIA “THERMEKO” (Mākoņkalna civil parish)
SIA “Thermeo” is a fast-growing company that offers a self-developed and produced heating system in the Latvian market consisting of the thermal insulation material “Izoprok” and magnesite sheets that can be used in the renovation and insulation works of both new buildings and existing buildings. “Isoprok” means an innovative heat and sound insulation material produced in the form of plates and thermowates.
According to the company's technical unit, Yuri Timofeyev, tests have shown that “Ioprok” thermal conductivity factor is even 15 percent better than other thermal insulation materials: “termowate porous structure naturally regulates the humidity movement between indoor and outside walls, so there will never be an unpleasant humidity and sticky air smell in the building. Similarly, the material does not produce fungi, mould or other undesirable micro-organisms.“ Termovate does not sit down with time and retain his good qualities for more than 50 years. THE head of the “Thermeko” Technical Unit also lists the other benefits of “Ioprok”: “vate is ecological and respiratory material, it does not create a favourable environment for rodents, provides good acoustic insulation rates, as well as a fire-resistant material, as the structure limits the spread of fire and does not keep burning.”
The “isoprok” plant is located IN the parish OF Mākoņkalna, a building which has been reconstructed in 2010, while the project financed by the climate change financial instrument in 2014 has been insulated by the own thermal watts. As the representative of the company discovered, a reduction in CO2 emissions by 101,8 tonnes per year resulted in a significant indicator of the effectiveness of Ioprok. In total, over ten objects have been insulated in the last two years with Mākoņkalna parcels, including the nine-storey house in Olaine, the production building of SIA “Riga furniture service”, as well as the Preilu Hospital and the Preil Hospital. In 2014, THE net turnover of SIA Thermeo was less than 598 thousand EURO.
SIA “LEAX Rezekne” RSEZ (Ozolaines civil parish)
Four nominations -- “annual company”, “annual company – municipality of LATVIA”, “annual innovative product implementer”, “annual education mecenate” SIA “LEAX Rezekne” RSEZ, which produces high-quality metal parts for mining and mechanical engineering (Volvo, Scania) companies, is located in the Rēzekne Gardens, Ozolaines parish males. The company's manager, Gints Jahuks, is already accustomed to the visitors, and the Commission is not the first in the factory. Indeed, “LEAX Rēzekne” is a real proud pride, as it is stable in its positions in the sector of industry companies. THE annual prizes of THE RSEZ commercial companies for the 2014 performance “LEAX Rezekne” received the award as the largest exporter, the annual innovation, the largest taxpayer, the annual investment, the fastest growing company, the producer of the year. However, this prize has not prompted the company to sleep on the lawns but to grow. SIA “LEAX Rezekne” RSEZ represents one of THE LEAX Group metalworking companies in Latvia and Sweden. The main directions of the company are the performance of serial metalworking works by making parts for the automotive, mining, instrument manufacturing, industrial and electrical installations sector. Main co-operation partners – freight transport and assembling components manufacturing companies, mining tool manufacturing companies, metal-working instruments manufacturing companies, as well as industrial and electrical installations manufacturing companies. On May 15, 2014, the metalworking plant AT SIA “Leax Rēzekne” Ozolaines parish shows a solemnly open metal hardening shop that has invested 1.4 million euros. The company is one of the largest employers in Rezekne municipality.
As reported by RSEZ's public relations consultant Skaidrīte Baltace, the metalworking company SIA “LEAX Rezekne” RSEZ has increased its turnover figures in 2015 and from 11.13 million euro turnover last year forecasts 12.3 million euro turnover figures this year. In 2015, the company was awarded the annual Award of Latgale entrepreneurs in the nomination “largest employer”, assessing the growth of the company, increasing number of jobs and socially responsible entrepreneurship.
Similarly, THE performance indicators of LEAX Rezekne have also positively affected the overall RSEZ rating in the survey of “FDI Magazine” by the popular British newspaper “Financial Times” on the most promising eonomic areas in the world. IN this survey, RSEZ has gained recognition in two categories: infrastructure development and reinvestment. The “Global Free zones of the Year Awards 2015” was invited to apply for free/special economic areas from around the world, filling out a survey of the attractiveness, opportunities and supply of the area. IN the category of reinvestment, RSEZ has gained recognition in view of the reinvestment of commercial companies, in particular the expanded production area of the metalworking company LEAX Rezekne.
SIA “VEREMS” RSEZ (Vērēmu civil parish)
SIA “VEREMS” RSEZ is the largest industrial company in Rezekne municipality. The company deals with the production of large-format birch plywood. Jānis Staris, Chairman of the company's board of directors, looks forward to a cosy lobby where high-value art works are located, but many of the prizes on the company's achievements have been displayed in the glass window. Retro-reflective jackets are issued, instructed on safety regulations, and the rapid inspection of the plant may begin, first through the large area of the company, then through the halls where there is a warm, bright, pleasant smell of wood. The company employs 330 people, turnover is around 30 million per year, produces around 40 000 cubic metres per year, processing around 120 thousand cubic metres of veneer. By investing in technology development, SIA “Verems” RSEZ produces a high-quality birch plywood which is a new and innovative product that contributes not only to the company but also to the development of the sector concerned, strengthening the image and reputation of both the product itself and the company. The production is exported not only to EU countries but also to Japan, THE US etc. “Our main customers are the automotive industry, construction, concrete, shipbuilding. These specific plywood will be sent to Korea and then a liquefied gas tanker will be prepared from them,” – says Janis Staris.
“VEREMS” RSEZ SIA forecasts that the increase in turnover will be 5 million in 2015 and the total annual turnover will reach eur 30 million. The company has received the Latvian Employers' Confederation Annual Prize 2015 as the best employer in Latgale, as well as the State Environmental Service “Green Excellence Prize”, while the Chairman of the company's board of directors Janis Staris on the day of restoration of independence of the Republic of Latvia, appointed on 4 May as an officer of the appreciation Cross for the important contribution to the economy of Latvia, especially in the development of the wood processing industry in Latvia and the contribution to the promotion of Latvia's name abroad.
Annual company – province of VIP:
SIA “BALTIC FLAGS” (Feimaņu civil parish)
SIA “LEAX Rezekne” RSEZ (Ozolaines civil parish)
SIA “VEREMS” RSEZ (Vērēmu civil parish)
New company of the year:
SIA “GRAVTEX” (Griškānu civil parish)
SIA “GRAVTEX” was founded on 29 June 2012. In the company's production site Griškānu parish, wooden fences, gates and decorative panels are produced, which can be used for balconies, solders, radiator grids and elsewhere. “From the simplest to the most interesting and unusual fences and furnished panels by individual order, according to customer wishes,” said company director Bļinkov. Similarly, the company provides milling, engraving, planting and other services. In a short time, both the amount of work of the company, the available technologies and the number of employees have increased – seven people are currently working at the company.
Since the start of the activity, the company's basic objective is to create a high-quality product at a reasonable price. The company works with high-value materials using the latest technologies. Juris Bļinkovs emphasizes that SIA “GRAVTEX” places particular emphasis on the production of environmentally friendly products, in addition to the production process of natural-friendly technologies. The company participates in various projects and participates in exhibitions, including in the autumn of the project financed by the European Regional Development Fund, SIA “GRAVTEX” participated in the exhibition “Timber Expo” in Great Britain, international business forum in Rezekne and elsewhere.
Economic Operator Žanis Jesko (Nagļu civil parish)
In the buried apple garden, at the house OF Jan's grandfather'S house, Nagļu parish was located around two dozen hives in the village of Dzipshu, where the bee families were covered. “Bees never sleep, there is life in the winter.” If the bee is sleeping, it is dead. Bees create a live camel with a bee mother in the centre. “For bees and their lives, Janis Yko can be told as fascinating as a good adventure novel.” The beekeeper had begun in 2009 with two pressures that he had managed to receive and put on his grandfather's old troops. Until 2014, beekeeping has been a hobby, combined with academic careers at the Latvian Agricultural University in Jelgava, when the young man has decided to return to his home side and to pass his heart to the beekeeping sector. At present, more than three dozens of hives with 33 bee families are located on the farm in the three holdings, in Dzipskos, Zvejsalos and Nagles. The developed business plan “Developing the production of beekeeping products in the farm“ Ships ”in 2014 received 1 st place in the competition“ support for rural youth entrepreneurship ”in the competition“ fields to be! ”A serious return was the funding received at the beginning of this year for the CONSTRUCTION and development of THE Rēzekne Municipality Foundation for the start-up and development of the business, including 14 new stands with metal pallets, new mechanical honey butter, digital honey moisture refractometer, as well as strong racial bee mothers. As a result, the honey yield has exceeded 50 litres of honey from the family this year. The honey collected in the ecologically clean Lubana wetlands environment, as well as other bee products – pollen, bee bread, propolis, are marketed mainly in the markets, while the new beekeeper has many ideas for intensifying production and improvement of marketing, as well as an ancient dream – to rebuild the old father's house in the Force of 1926, in order to be able to live there.
SIA “Creative S” (Ozolaines civil parish)
The owner of SIA Creative S is an energetic and thought-rich mother of two children Santa Ostasha. The company operates in two directions, the first of which is a festival agency that organizes a variety of events, including family celebrations, while the second Santa family comes to a time when the baby has already been a baby. “We were looking for a good car seat for the boy, we couldn't find it, we thought why they wouldn't be able to do such a sell-out.” There was a children's preču online shop in, which offers not only high-quality wheelchairs and carts, but also everything that can be joyful for the baby – clothes, bedlinen, of course, self-made toys.
The company's motto is “good things for children's safety, development, comfort and entertainment”. The best local craftsmen involved in the preparation of the production, Santa proud of the youngest business – dog wool stockings and gloves. “The brand“ good stuff for children ”is now also found in prestigious capital stores where the Latvian style is presented, as“ RIIJA ”and“ abra ”. Here are children's things, this is the organisation of events. It is amazing that Santa's creative ideas are in a tiny room, where there is also a copy of the project financed BY a PROJECT financed BY THE Rēzekne Municipality Learn, where the Rēzekne municipality and the city-dedicated souvenirs are also tapped this year.“ I'm mostly trying to offer more interesting ideas, beautiful and genuine things. ”
I'm going to make greeting cards, design labels, tags. “I think it is necessary for the design to be recognizable,” says Santa. In the new year she would like to buy a plotter so she can print a variety of materials. Yet, of course, the dream is solvent, because the idea is very much, the assortment of executed works is very large.
SIA “Agro Manufacturing” (Sakstagala civil parish)
The company was founded in 2013, produces large-scale metal products – chains, wire, fences, stairways, artistic candles, grave mushrooms, even fine scented flowers. The restoration and dyeing of metal and tin products with powdery technology is also carried out. The production facilities are purchased as financing for the European project. Currently, the company is working on the order of Maltas special boarding primary school – production of bed metal carcasses. The number of employees is 3-5 people. “There's a major problem today – little order. We are prepared to execute any order, we have material, human resources, opportunities but no orders,“ says Andrejs Daugerts, head OF SIA “Agro Manufacturing”.
Self-employed person Edgars Nizins (Silmalas civil parish)
Silmalas parish farmer Edgars Nizins registered as a self-employed person in 2013. There are around 300 ha of land in his holding, 120 ha of which are grown in grain, the rest being taken by grassland and fallow. Half of the land is owned, the half is leased from those who are unable to process the land. “I could handle more things,” says Edgar Nizin. There are two types of cereals, tractors, trailers etc. on the holding. Edgars shows his pride – a powerful Belarusj tractor purchased by the Rural Support Service.
Cereals harvest this year was good -- 4 tons of ha. Edgar hopes that he will continue his son, who is a farmer in the Malnava college. “He had a birthday yesterday, 18 years.” The support of European funds as a young farmer will be eligible. '
Annual tourism service provider:
SIA “AVT-V” (Čornajas civil parish)
IN Čornajas parish, the Peninsula, which is washed by the waters of Lake Razna, is a recreational base “silk colen”. Although a raft with a frightening pirate flag on the coast of the guest house, Valerijs Brockans, owner of the guesthouse, is hospitalized and welcome to look at the attractive building. “Up to 60 people can celebrate a variety of festivals. A conference hall, a pool, as well as rooms where up to 30 people can be slept,” says the master.
The owner says that the guest house is his hobby, not the source of profit: “weekends when people spend more celebrations are as much as they are, so the profit time is limited.“ Be all the expenses, okay, if you're going to make a year. ”However, Valerijs Brockans emphasizes that he does not regret the decision to work alongside the main work in the guest house, as he also welcomes the opportunity to rest on the coast of Razna lake.
Z/S “Ezerkrasti” (Čornajas civil parish)
“When we just moved here, we started farming.” People often walked around our land and searched for some golden beach. The whole coastline of Razna had grown up with bushes, so we didn't even know what the value was next to us, “the housewife Sandra Walsh says about the beginning of the recreational complex.” “We started to clean the lake shore, set up the wagon, and the rest began to drive more often.”
At the present TIME, Čornajas parish “Ezerkrasti” is available for organising two banquet festivals and seminars – one to 60 persons and a second to 150 persons, a guest house with two-seat, three-seat or four-seat rooms, as well as a separate small household for the family. The design of the buildings and the painting of the walls are made by the housewives themselves: “When we are renovating or repairing a room, i think all the time about how these rooms might look like the colors would prefer until i found the right solution at one point,” Sandra said.
Active recreational fans are also expected in “lakes”, as visitors are waiting for volleyball and football sites; children's playgrounds, as well as the possibility of renting a boat, catamaran or vindsurfist. The recreational complex also includes a cafe in which holidaymakers can enjoy the delicacy of Latgale culinary heritage.
In the summer, when the tourist season is active, the wedding or any celebrations are at every weekend. If in the “quiet” season, the Family with works is dealt with by their own forces, then additional forces are searched in the summer. “In recent years we are participating in a project organised by the State Agency for Employment and taking into account young people in the summer. This summer, nine young people worked with us, who helped us and they had the opportunity to earn their pocket money, as well as the first work experience,“ Ezerkrasti ”.
SIA “Razna Bay” (Čornajas civil parish)
The Latgalian hospitality, the laughing kitchen, the beauty of nature and the sporting activity on the beach of Razna Lake – all characterise the tourism service provider SIA “Razna Bay”. “The time of the hay, or the active season, is from May to September,” says Edgars Tivans, “but also in spring, autumn and winter we do wedding, corporate events and various family celebrations.”
Since the start of the company, three houses have been rented for visitors. To make it easier for the guests to remember, each building has its own name: “The celebration house is“ orange ”, but the little family house is“ Water ”,“ lists Edgars Teivans. ”It was then built as a“ puzzle ”, and as a last complete“ delicious nest ”, originally intended as a barn and a garage boat, but in the“ hot ”season, when more guests arrive, visitors stayed there as well.
The master says that two years ago, the co-financing of European Union projects was established and four catamarans and two boats were purchased. “This year we also created three additional volleyball sites that were already in several competitions in the summer.”
In order to rest on the shore of Razna Lake, the visitors come from both the nearby surroundings and the remote areas. Four people are employed in the Razna Gulf throughout the year, but during the season, for example, there is a sporting event with several hundreds of participants, additional employees are also paid.
SIA “fregate” guest house “RAZNA PARKING LOT” (Kaunatas civil parish)
In the territory OF Razna National Park, Kaunatas parish, ten metres away from Lake Razna and a scented pine forest, is a guest house founded in 1993, “Razna Park krasti”. A large house with a celebration hall for more than a hundred people, a “lake house” with a celebration of 20 people, as well as a small “dream house” and a “youth house” where a smaller number of visitors can rest.
As a large guest house, Anatolijs Kozlovs emphasizes the offer of relaxation and health improvement procedures throughout the year: “visitors can use both the salt room, the pearl bath, AND THE SpA and the infrared cab.“ SIA “fregate” in the recreational area offers a variety of opportunities for sporting fans, including swimming, volleyball, football and riding in summer, while skiing, skating and low-ice fishing in winter.
As Anatoly Kozlov says, over a thousand visitors have enjoyed the beauty and hospitality of Latgale in the summer of that year, not only from Latvia but also from other countries, including France, Norway, Russia, Lithuania and others.
“Whites” of the horse (Ozolmuižas civil parish)
Visitors of the Horse of Horse are offered a ride in both sedals and a cart, riding sports lessons, rating, and resting on nature. It is one of the oldest and traditions of the richest tourism businesses in the municipality. The housewife Ligita Harchevsky also works in Rezekne and Viļānu in the tourist information centre of the city of Rēzekne, while on the farm with horses she is assisted by a qualified coach Diana, the family members, daughter of a daughter, are also coming in the event of congestion in the event of congestion.
Coach Diana introduced Sally, who was both a star of horses and a photomodele, looking forward to photographing the bride. It is a horse of the Latvian variety, which can lead to both a 150 kg rider and a half-year-old baby. Sally was also tried by the most courageous members of the Commission – Janis Kuzminsky and Gaigalavas parish management head Voldemar Vabals.
The services offered by z/s “whites” are mainly related to horses, train and visit both children and adults. A requested service is a rating - rehabilitation with a horse. “The horse acts on the human body first with its step rhythm, as it is shown that the horse's step rhythm is identical to the rhythm of human steps. At the level of the subconscious cell, the body's life-important things are moved. We worked with people in wheelchairs, so we've built an estakade so we can build a horse. For young children, the effect of these improvements is very well seen, especially for those who have had any trauma of birth, do not speak, disturb movements, do not hold the head, etc., and then, after 8-10 lessons, you can see an improvement very well. The horse is what instinctively causes the body to function, improve the balance," says Ligita.
A picnic house with a fireplace is built on the farm, where parents can rest while children are training or visiting, and celebrate a variety of festivals. In the summer, an interesting event is watching a stork socket through a camera, a television.
In the summer, the “whites” were chosen by the wedding, but there are often tourist groups in the weekends. “There can be anyone who wants, small, big, and loving, feeding, kissing a horse, and getting new emotions.”
Ligita's dream is to build a manoeuvre so that horses can be trained in the winter season.
Annual company:
SIA “AVT-V” (Čornajas civil parish)
Z/S “Ezerkrasti” (Čornajas civil parish)
SIA “Razna Bay” (Čornajas civil parish)
Z/S “Zukovi” (Audriņu civil parish)
Alexander and Valentine Zuckov were waiting in the dead courtyard. “Žukovi” means a dairy farm which operates from 2004, manages 45 ha of land and collects 15 dairy cows. We got out of zero, we did everything to our forces, without credit and projects. Slow but persistent, '-- proud Alexander. He has gold hands – built himself and arranged a two-storey house, garage technique, is currently expanded. The milk is sold to the Preilu cheese and also TO THE Viļānu cooperative. The parish paths are cleaned with farm machinery in winter.
The Jews have three children, two sons and daughter, live and work in Rezekne, four grandchildren. “I wonder if anyone will return to the ground.” Maybe a granddaughter, she likes the honor. But it's another 53 years, still a force. '
SIA “frost R” (Bērzgales civil parish)
SIA “frost R” (Bērzgales parish) offers timber transportation services and timber sales as well as logging. In this area, the company has been working for 15 years. The company built production facilities on its own resources in 430 square metres, a new boiler house and a shaving house. A project so implemented to modernise economic activity, attracting ERDF funds “modernisation and extension of THE SIA fron R production process until full-cycle production”. In parallel, finishing and floorboards are produced, which are sold both on-site and exported to EU countries, Holland, Belgium, Germany. The finishing boards produced by the company were also used in the restoration of the unique Rezekne synagogue. “There are already a lot of offers for exports, but there are big volumes there.” The problem is a workforce, a more than 10 employees could be accepted, but not already working, ”-- says Raitis Ranāns, owner of the company.
SIA “Valters & GR” (Griškānu civil parish)
Alexander Walter and Gunar Ribakov formed a small spare part shop in 2001, which has now grown to a large autoservice and autospare part store with a very good reputation and a wide range of customers. Currently, the company's turnover exceeds 1.5 million EUR. “Grow and develop every day – we start new contacts, search for cooperation partners, participate in competitions,” says company leaders.
2007 was one of the fastest development of the company – then from the narrow spaces on the street “Valters & GR” moved to the new home IN Griškānu parish, the city of Rezekne. “We have a huge warehouse here, so that customers don't have to wait until the spare parts are brought out of Riga, they're mostly on the spot, and there is a car service with seven hoists,“ the large rooms are shown by “Valters GR” employees. Even eight cars can be repaired at a time, and most of them are occupied. The company's managers say that the customer is not missing: “row we sometimes have two or three days ahead.” Not just from the Rēzekne municipality and the city, but also Ludza, Carlos and Balvi. ”The company currently employs 28 employees, several of whom have since started.
Due to the high quality and affordable prices of the services provided, SIA “Valters GR” has won several procurements and provides repair services to companies and organisations such AS VAS “Latvian road operator”, the municipality of Rezekne, the municipality of Rezekne, SIA “Rezekne Traffic”, SIA “Rezekne meat kombate”, SIA “ASKO AS” and others.
SIA “Maltas builder” (Maltas civil parish)
SIA “Maltas builder” offers a wide range of services in the construction sector: renovation of buildings, welding, boring and plumbing. The company was founded in 1993 on the base of the Livani house building. “We have 24 employees at this time, there was more in the summer when the season.” In winter, less work, inner works, repairs in parish, schools, ”-- the head of the story company Yevgenius Križanovskis. This year, the company worked as subcontractors in a large Maltas secondary school reconstruction project. The object of the object is welcomed by the entrepreneur, but is doubtful about the implementation of the project.“ Very high costs for embroidery, but how much it will be, who knows it. ”There is a lot of wood in the tree, but the tree must be painted, strengthened, copied. The work was all at a height, the hire of the hoist was expensive.“ It's a parish, it's a very important object. ”
Z/S “Pujati” (Nautrēnu civil parish)
The main scope of the Z/S “Pujati” is cereals. It is a family business where three generations work together to develop and modernise the farm. The main owner is the father of the Pujatu family Alexander Pujats, the legal owner of the farm is daughter Ruth Krišāne, the farm works and is also the owner of the other farmer's farm “Household”, Edgars. Granddaughter Madara Krišana studied economics at the University of Rēzekne so that she could take over the housekeeper in the days. Her responsibility is the creation of a positive image of the holding as well as the preparation of the original and delicious cheese according to Grandmother Veronica and also her original recipes.
The farm was established in 2004, with 72,2 ha of land, of which 58.2 ha is agricultural land. This is not much, but the whole land is being used intensively. Ruth and Alexander are proud of the farm machinery - there is a tractor.25, a truck ZIL that is still honoured in grain transport and a very modern technique -- the grain of grain bought this year by New Holland. “This is our greatest joy, to which we went for many years.” 'It's been the first season,' says Ruth. 'That's what we have to pay for the first season.'We're trying to realize different projects. In 2008, grain grain, mineral fertilizer, tractor, trailer .2010 new tractor. This year – also after the project – comb. "
The farm is growing wheat, barley, tritically, this year has been a harvest of 4,5 ha of hectare, which is regarded as good from the clay and heavy soils.
“It is a working and friendly family where the work is taken over from generation to generation. Latvia is already based on such people," says Livija Plavinska, head of THE municipality of Pujatos and Krišanas.
SIA “LEAX Rezekne” RSEZ (Ozolaines civil parish)
SIA “forest manager R” (Pušas civil parish)
The company deals with the surveying and restoration of property boundaries, forest harvesting and the cultivation of young generations, the preparation of wood and other forestry works. Also provides consultancy services to help farmers manage forests more effectively and economically. The owner Ilmārs Ratnik decided to show the directly planted forest areas. “This is the forest planted in spring.” It's a bigger pride than the felled trees. Each tree is important and each tree has been treated to overwake better so that the pests are less damaged. We also work – not only for the chicken and for the value of the materials, but also for the future of the future. We are responsible for this forest with the idea that it will have more added value in the future. '
The company has been cultivated around 250 ha, planted 35-40 ha, mainly in the municipality of Rezekne, also in the Lithuanian border, Ilūkste, Subaté. Two projects for the purchase of machinery have been implemented with the funding of the Altum programme. The company employs 9 employees, but as MR Ratnik acknowledges, he could employ even more but he lacks labour.
“Competition is big. But our advantage is that we are small, we can also take one felling. Our plus is also that we are working officially, paying taxes. Who wants to work, it works. Is there a hope? If there is no hope, there is no point in living. '
SIA “joint work” (Stoļerovas civil parish)
SIA “joint work” IN Stoļerovas parish deals with the production of agricultural products. The company manages 500 ha of land and 100 ha of land leased. “250 to 300 ha grow grain, beans and peas, while approximately 200 ha is reserved for cattle grazing,” the owner of the story Pēteris Karaceyev.
“This year was a very good grain harvest – even 9 tons of hectares,“ proud master ”.“ Unfortunately, the price of grain purchase is too low, so the grain is now stored in bunks to meet a better price. ”
In addition to grain cultivation, “joint work” also deals with dairy farming. In the modern cake, the Sun, the wheel, the Gauja, and another 110 gods. The yield is very good – on average between 5000 and 6000 kg per year, but the purchase prices of milk are not pleased. “A year ago, the purchase price of milk was good – a litre of Lithuanian firms got around 0.35 EURO, then we could also afford to pay up to 700 EUROS per month, but the price of milk has now fallen to 0.20 EUR per litre, which is even lower than the cost,“ Karaceyev is revealed. ”If, in previous years, the fact that the farm is a multi-sector and low-grain price was offset by higher prices for milk or vice versa, neither grain production nor livestock farming is paid at this time.“ We'll see how it will be, but unfortunately this year is a loss, ”a businessman says.
SIA “joint work” employs 22 local residents. “The work is all year,” Peteris Karaceyev notes, “if the days pass in the summer, the employees clean the ditches and repair the technique in winter.”
Although the nature of the autumn is not favourable to farmers this year, neither the autumn drought nor this moment's nakedness, Peteris Karaceyev is optimistic: “if it is parked, there is something to wait!” We are working for the best conscience and hope that everything will succeed! '
Annual education mecenate:
SIA “LEAX Rezekne” RSEZ (Ozolaines civil parish)
SIA “VEREMS” RSEZ (Vērēmu civil parish)
Annual cultural mecenate:
Z/S “candles” (Bērzgales civil parish) the owner Dainis candle is a public-active resident who organises and sponsors sports festivals and various sporting activities IN Bērzgales parish.
SIA “VEREMS” RSEZ (Vērēmu civil parish)
Anna Rancāne, Madara Laksa