Training on organic farming

This year, in March, April and May SIA “Latvian Centre for Rural Consultation and Education” will carry out free training on “organic farming” in the Rezekne Consultation Bureau.
During the course of the training, both practical and theoretical knowledge of organic farming will be learned – the basic principles of organic farming, the requirements of regulatory enactments. It will be possible to learn the basic principles of animal husbandry, beekeeping, arable crops, vegetables, fruit plants, herbal plants based on organic farming methods, the basic principles for drawing up the plant change plan, the methods for the preservation of soil fertility. The lecturers will also provide training participants with the possibilities of processing and marketing organic production in Latvia. It is practically possible to prepare a production plan for the economy, to carry out an assessment of the resources of the organic farm.
Learning in addition will be able to obtain a certificate on the acquisition of professional development education.
More information and logging SIA “Latvian Rural Consultation and Education Centre” in Rezekne Consultation Bureau, Gardens Street 7a, Rezekne, or at the Rēzekne Division Rural Development consultant Ilona Melnes, mob. 28625588, e-mail:
Pre-registration is MANDATORY! Number of places in the training group – limited.
Training is provided under the “Knowledge Transfer and Information Activities” sub-measure of the Rural Development Programme (RDP) for 2014-2020, under “Vocational Education and Skills Activities”, LAD Contract No. LAD131118/P44
Support Ministry and Rural Support Service