A mentoring programme informative seminar will be held in Rezekne

The Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) has started to apply for a free mentoring program where prospective and new entrepreneurs will be able to receive mentor - experienced entrepreneur advice and support. On 20 May of that year at 10.00 An informative seminar will be held in Rezekne's business incubator “think hotel”, Maskavas Street 22, Rezekne, during which stakeholders will be presented with the planned activities and progress of the mentoring programme. Experience successors – emerging and new entrepreneurs – as well as mentors – experienced entrepreneurs are invited to the informative seminar.
During the event, stakeholders will have the opportunity to hear stories of previous years of mentoring participants, current information, as well as acquaintance with potential mentors and experience successors.
THE AIM of THE LIDA mentoring programme is to promote the development of entrepreneurship in Latvia by providing quality and tailor-made mentoring services for new entrepreneurs. Experienced entrepreneurs in this programme will become mentors for young entrepreneurs, thus ensuring that both parties get something new: mentors will be able to share their experiences, while experience successors will be able to develop themselves and develop their own business.
You can login to a mentoring program:
• Experience successors - new entrepreneurs (not older than 5 years), filling in the experience of the transferee
• mentors - experienced entrepreneurs (not less than 5 years of experience in business), filling in the mentor's application
In 2014, two mentoring programmes will be implemented, which will take place by October. For the first programme, interested parties are invited to apply until 23 May, filling in the electronic application https://www.facebook.com/MentoringaProgramma or www.turiba.lv.
The mentoring programme is implemented within THE framework OF the “innovative business motivation programme” implemented BY THE IDA in collaboration with the Business High School Turkey and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the European Union.