The Fish Fund supports the project 'Reconstruction and propagation OF fish resources IN Vērēmu parish in Adamovas Lake'

In order to promote the development of industrial self-consumption fishing, fishing, as well as tourism IN Vērēmu parish, a total of 17,000 pivotal juveniles were placed in the Aamov Lake on 9 July 2009. As a result of procurement, the supply of juvenile juveniles was carried out BY SIA “ore fish farm”. Representatives of the parish administration, the Rēzekne Regional Environment Administration, Food and Veterinary Service North Latgale have participated in the counting, weighing and placing of juveniles.
The information collected by the Scientific Institute for Food Safety, Animal Health and the Environment “BIOR” in 2014 and the information on the period from 1950 to 2013 shows that the fish production volumes and productivity in the Aamovo Lake have decreased significantly. Following the control and catch statistics in 2014, the basic mass of fish stocks in the Aamov lake consists of flags, plugs, sharps, cries, Sudracaroos, pikes and rays, less than zandart, Rudou and alkali.
Following the recommendations of the scientific institute “BIOR”, the fish stocks of the Lake Adamova may be artificially supplemented in subsequent years by ling, zandart, carp, silver hot and eel juveniles.
Laimdota Melne,
Vērēmu parish project manager