15 th folklorys expedition in Luznova i Zosna



In 2016, typewrites are presently produced by folklorys expedition DVD discs: nu suocum “Viļakys ticiejumi” i Tod “Senie omoti Dagda”. I felt that the Tod philosophy was a student at the Tehnologeju Academy of Academy (RTA) in Beja Mozuok kai Exedicade, wanting to go to a high school of high colys seniora, postfolklorys grupys “rikis” ci cytu sadarbeibys. I saw the tradiceju lanom, the RTA “dnys kuorteibys”. But the novys studju programys i new courses deve tradiceju continue.
In the late fifteen-year-old fifteen-year-old RTA, i made a visit to Luznovys muižys in the initiatior of the folklorys expedition of Luznovys muižys. The nairostuok Beja tys that the foundation was built by magistra programmys “Regionali medeji i Communicaceja” Students 1, na philologists. Prūtams, no philosophical taipoo naiztyka, tok kuduls i basic daves for Student Bay cyt. That the philosophy Vaira's attestation of the Communicaceae i superiorcyskuos demanded, Tod Communicaceae, Student i Student i Student Vaira Beja (i vēļ!), in the formulae of the audiovisual material of the audiovisual.
The expedition of Espaidi kai vysod will be folded along the palm of the palm of the vineyard. There is a coachman who had once been the photo of Mara Justa's photo ci Sandrys Adris, a trumpet video club that would rub the fall of the crowd. At the time of the typewriter, Luznovys muižys byds is free of leluocam for the ssovys apleycin visuuri, but emocet i satyktou cylvatar stosterone will allow for a long period of time to refrain from the wine voi, hosting the voi tradicejis in spylgtum.
The gryusis picks up the wine of the tradiceju wine pickosteroid voi, which is in the pruota of Ekryta, also in the heart of the hearts i beep on the other side, that is the sovi-thirst of Kiulenes, Gudée, Pusbeard, and Verdesia i Zosnai. I'm sorry for Lucas Lucas i narunoea. There is a sicker i zeimis, also a cyllida dorb i address-steak-steak, which is a half-hurry, i don't believe that it is a vyss. It may be said that the steosteituoju Kultura, the sovys beach, is the type of passion. Vaira can be heard in the puremys for visrteibom, the poetry Jong, where the gryuti nouthiiert i rubomot wisdom, tok vierteibys navareigys: ticeib sovim spikim i Diva, heart clever, myelzeigs dorba spars i activitate, silduoshonuos svareigour in the lobby.
RTA te Beja Petersselytuo expedition, who laughs, Rēzeknis at the barn is already a pipe: 1. – Lendjuz, 2. – Bierjgali, 5. – Rogovka, 10. – Kaunota i 15. – Luznova. There is a leaf that generates a generation of generations, but is something of a fucking struggle. The hostile facts sabryuk the palace, but the stubs, dreyni, the zeimis palate in the pruote. I go to explain the visitor that, during the five-war period, Luznovys Madonna i Stalina Kryusuthal was lying in the wine. So wine was restored, a mouthful vysmoz ideal cheque shuffle in globoj …
Expedition noutyka with Walst Kulturcapital Foundation (Luznovys maniža), Rēzeknis Nuvoda i IZM project “Nuvodvuiceiba” (RTA) atbolst.
Long Shuplinsky,
expeditious vadeituoya
Photo: Maris Justs, Anna Rancāne
Lūznavīts Voldemārs. Boguota dzeivisziņa i atraktivs stuostejums. Mozuo paradize, sovom rūkom radeita i sakūpta. Foto: A. Rancāne Vacuos Zosnys muižys pamati. Muiža nūdadzynuota 1905. godā. Foto: A. RancāneZosnys muižys kungu sāta - calta ap 1870. godu, pīdarejuse Pīterpiļs kņazu Goļicynu dzymtai, muižys paguotnī daudzi naskaidra i nazynoma. Foto: A. Rancāne  Līpu pudurs Zosnys muižys parkā. Foto: A. Rancāne  Kas nūstuos pa vydu līpu studejumam, sajims daudzi energejis nu Kosmosa... Foto A. RancāneAnatolijs Kozlovskis ir apkūpuojis zinis par Zosnys muižys viesturi. Foto: A. Rancāne

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