19. “Vuolyudzans” i atcluotuo olimpiade latgaliskuo zynushon nutykui



In Rēzekne, on 13 April, the 19 th time, the skotivis skotivis runys competition “Vuolyudzans” i attained the rokstu i culturviesturis olimpiade. Vysaidu vacums Barni i young people, 51 pc counts 25 Latgolys shcolu, sacrante in the skill to decorate latgale texts, and the devil vydsškolanu commanys – the literaturys i kulturys nukšon zynushon.
Nick had a narrative of the naroda stubbornia, a dajiuuktu adcuortuoshone. The honour of the honour of the honour is Rēzeknis Vaļst 1 st gimnazez, a cochituous renovation of the doll in sowls, and Viļānu 2. The Gimnazez director Juoņs Poplavskis would sit in pi clusters, i vyss traditali in suocytes with a pearled Eugena Karūdznamka i Annys Ranis about the naïve hymn palykušou “Skaidue volumdu”. Tod eisi congratulations on the Latgale voludys, literaturys i culturviesturis scholuotuoju associate i Rēzeknis Nuvoda pošwaldeibys, i pi dorba!
Olimpiadis žureja – LU Professor Lideja Leukums, RTA professor, niule Izgleiteibys i zynuotnis ministe, took place in Shuplinska, magazine, niule portala lakuga.lv editor Sandra Udre – the daves are formed in duck cuortuos to match the varaseit 20, a smoked 100 short points. Win the golf salason 67 points, a deveiti piec rating – 45,5.
The 1 st cuorta traditionali is a voludys daves on the grammar of grammar i in L. Leikumys. Ite aircraft izaruove the Nautrana vydsškolys commanys (team 2 salaseum 17,5 points, team 1 – 14,5) i Drycans vydsškolys team (14 points). Professoris Ilgys Šuplinskys formaturys cuortys Beja oil teitys ituogods jubilaris Annys Ranis for the beauty i Raibuo poetry “Pistaceae”. The lake (vuordu) is found on the side of the i prozys texim vyslobuok for logs (6,5) i drycāne (5,5), obeiom Nautranium commander (5 points). Sovels with Raibuo texim Viļānu Muzykys i muokslys školys, nusalube dabuot 16.5 points, Nautro 1 st team-16 points, tok 15,5 points — Nautrana 2 nd team i log tinavir.
In the 4 th Cuorta on the popularity of the world, Luisa Carol “Alice Breinums”, “Alice Breinings”, i Antuana Sent-Ekzeperi “Moses of the Moses” – Sandra Udre took the dragon, where the fact-clad i felt it was to be found. The itys darker will look good: obey Rogovkys commanys salaseum of 15 points, Viļānu vydsškolys team – 14 points, Drycana, Baļtinovys, Rēzeknis Vaļst gimnazede commanys – 12 points. 5. kuortys kulturys nutchon test is traditionally regarded as a prevalent honour for jubilejom, pasuokumim, rubomotom, drives, filmom, “Boņuk” laureatim. The party is worth the prize of vysu for the lakuga.lv of the portala. In the Italian cuorta, the points: for logs: 15, Nautrane 1 st team – 14, Tilžys vydškolys i Kruoslovys Vaļsts gimnazetas commandom – pa 13.
Vuolyudzans aba skotivis runys contest pickup in a three-way vacation brush with individuali.
In the 5-8-i Groups of Classes 9-12, lūcekle Ineta Uranne: “Ethongod nabey spylgtu personeib, saceisim“ star ”, for ku vysai žureja once byutu vinys smoke – itys is lobuote! But it was possible to see that“ vuolyudzans ”had grown up in the isalasycon of the text, the texts atbylst barnim, the tys juosoka taishni for the parent-colys vacation group. The party Barn can be lobuok, smoke, Bay's interesting skateuojim molys, Ji said the vysaidus texts. Naparosti, that it is most of the Bay Prozys text. The pruotic palyka tys himself is a monotonous translation of A. Sent-Exziperi with actermuokslys elementim, Ilzis Spergys proza. The bartender even managed to lift the patriotic Tam, which is not a wineglass, with Onton Cooper's text. I'll miss it!
Maņ patyka also vysys laureatu uzastucheonys i duoval sajimšonys. Ye had to produce it, the boys, the roodine pilotage. Multiplied by an energetic, silk-zeiga witness. That the palillion i confessed the vouchers to the cotram. '
The financials of the nations were fired by Rēzeknis Nuvoda pošekeib, vysim bolvys sagoduoja} urnals “A12” i Latgale culturys bidreib olimpiadis commandom T-kraklus.
Sandra Udre, LaKua
Imanta Slišana photo
Olimpiadis Resultati
Skoted contest results
Vuolyudzānu konkursa uzvarātuojiIMG_4154 IMG_4155 IMG_4156 IMG_4186

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