Current information for pig farmers and hunters



In accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 621 “Regulations on biosecurity
package of measures for the holding of animals'
and Food and Veterinary Service (PVD) and Latvian pig breeders' associations
developed guidelines for domestic pig keepers holding and growing houses in their holdings
the following biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of African swine fever in their holding shall be followed by the following biosecurity measures for domestic consumption of pigs for which the number of pigs to be fattened does not exceed 10:
 pigs must not be kept in outdoor enclosures; their contact with wild animals must be avoided; and
strawberry animals;
 carpets must be placed at the entrance or the holding;
 pig holdings or porcine animals must be kept only by the owner of the pig or by the person who takes the pigs;
 the person carrying out the animal care must be wearing apparel, separate clothes which are put up before entering the barn and which are retracted after the care of the animals;
 of catering establishments as well as food are prohibited for breeding pigs
waste containing meat and offal of forest or domestic swine.
To protect their animals from communicable diseases and maximum
the spread of infectious diseases in the surrounding area should be followed by the following:
 not feed the fresh grass, the green mass, the grass in the courtyard,
non-heat-treated potatoes, particularly where the pig holding is close to
the forest or it is possible that the field from which the grass is harvested has been visited by the forest
 litter to use material which cannot or has not been in contact with wild boar;
 pigs are only allowed for self-consumption by informing the veterinarian.
THE PVD is invited to follow the health of the pigs and immediately inform the veterinarian if the pigs look unhealthy or have died!
The owner of the animals in order to protect their animals from suspected diseases,
the holding must be kept clean and, where necessary, the disinfection of the holding should be carried out;
disinsection and deratisation. The domestic pig keeper acquires and provides
the necessary means for carrying out these measures.
The owner or keeper of the animals shall be responsible for the introduction of biosecurity measures,
ensuring that they are provided during the inspection will be verified by the Food and Veterinary Service (PVD)
PVD reminds domestic pig keepers that animals must be registered
The Agricultural Data Centre (LDC) database! In case of animal disease:
facilitate monitoring of the disease and receipt of compensation!
Places of acceptance of forest pigs next to the products of the forest

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