The EU co-financing will polish the cultural heritage of Latgale



The agreement on the implementation of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) was concluded on 22 March, with the aim of strengthening and adding new content to the region's essential and tourist cultural monuments in six municipalities of Latgale.
The agreement with the Central Finance and Contract Agency (CFLA) was signed by the project applicant – Daugavpils City Council. Its co-operation partners in the project are Daugavpils, Kraslava, Ludza and Preilu District Council and Aglona Basilica parish in Aglona municipality.
In general, the project envisages restoring and developing six cultural monuments of national significance which are located in the most popular circle of Latgale tourism route. Thus, while maintaining authenticity and creating new services on each individual site, the project promoters intend to strengthen the attractiveness of Latgale as a tourist destination.
Daugavpils fortress is expected to restore the Engineering Arsenal – one of the currently empty buildings of the fortress and establish a museum of Daugavpils Technical and Industrial Design. The building itself is a valuable and authentic cultural monument to be restored, which will take into account the symbolic historical link with engineers and technical knowledge and reflect the development of building carpenter typical of the era, appearing in the various window and door boxes, stairways and other historical structures. The Renewable Engineering Arsenal will join the Mark Rootko Art Center, helping to fill the fortress with high-quality, visitor content.
Aglona Basilica the tower is intended to create an inspection site with visitors looking at the Sirius Lake landscape. On the other hand, low-quality window structures will be changed in basil rooms, which currently do not provide an adequate internal climate and damage the colours of the basil walls.
Restoration works are also provided for Slutišķu Old Believers In Daugava circles, while keeping a typical architectural monument, the traditions of the Old Believers' farmhouse, characterised by the basics of stone and the processing of logs of lime logs. After restoration, the show will provide for the establishment of an Old Believers' Cultural Heritage Centre and creative workshops. The Nature Park “Daugava arcs”, with Slutišķu Saju and Markova castle, represents the symbolic landscape of Latgale, integrating UNESCO World Heritage in Latvia's national list.
Kraslava Palace in the house after restoration, the exhibition “Pi wine Golda” will be created, as well as the memorial room of the painter Valentina Zlidna. The building of Kraslava Castle with Park, the residence of Plasteru, is an excellent example of the diversity of historisma interior of the Latvian era.
Ludza Castlepreserved from the late 14 th century of the Livonian Order of the Livonian Order, it is intended to carry out conservation works to preserve the image and extent of the pilots and to open more possibilities for their use.
In turn, continuing Preille Manor the protection measures, the manor building will be made up of windows. In Latgale, the most important model of the 19 th century, Tudor's neogotic architecture, in a single ensemble with landscape park is both historical and architectural.
The “European values” project is one of a total of ten projects dedicated to the preservation and development of cultural and natural heritage, which, after pre-selection of project ideas organised by the Ministry of Culture, have received an opportunity to apply FOR ERDF co-financing.
The project will be implemented in the FRAMEWORK of the ERDF co-financed section 5.5.1. of THE ERDF co-financed by the Ministry of Culture 'to preserve, protect and develop a significant cultural and natural heritage as well as to develop related services'. The total cost of the project is EUR 6 454 208.16, including ERDF funding – eur 4 695 000, while national public funding -- EUR 1 134 411.76 (including State budget grant to municipalities 245 073.53 euro and local government funding 584 38.23 euros).
Inita Kabanova,
Rapporteur for the public relations department of the Ministry of Culture

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