Amusement Park in Ilzeskalns



“Favorite Park” in Ilzeskalns. This year, the winter is quite unsteady, but that is why the planned fun events can't be left. Aizgavēņa activities in Ilzeskalns are always interesting and binding. This year, in view of the fact that the snow was missing and occasionally spraying the rain, most of the contests and games were suitable for the premises. Various intriguing names attracted the attention of visitors. All the participants had the opportunity to participate in a small or big tenant competition, show their skill in a juggler or shooting class, exciting was the contest offered by the cheerful lover, the ingenious hockey and the enthusiastic builder. “Amusement park” was a positive source of emotion and good energy for both small and large. Finally, as usual, the spiritual pancakes dinner.

Thank all activists, supporters and supporters


Anna Višķere
/Ilzeskalna Head of the People's House /

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