Audriņu primary school student Karina Tihomirova receives the highest rating in the ceramic competition



At the end of the Latgale podiers' days, Nautrēnu parish administration, Nautrēnu High School and Jura Soikāns Ludza Art School (Nautrēnu), the winners of the “Latvian People's Speakers” competition organised by the branch of Latgale District, were awarded at THE Nautrēnu Manor. THE Audriņu primary school student Karina Tihomirova won the highest rating in his age group, from 8 to 12 years, while the work produced by Allas Vasilyeva gained recognition.
This competition brought 46 students not only from Latgale but also from Vidzeme. The aim of the event was to promote the collaboration of educational institutions visual and visual art teachers and exchange of experience, to promote Latgale crafts and ceramic traditions, to deepen the understanding of children and young people about cultural heritage in the municipality.
The task of the competition was to create a siblical composition “Latvian People's Speaker” from the clay mass, as a source of inspiration by using one of the read Latvian people's words or self-hoped words. The works were valued by a jury consisting of ceramic.
The participants of the competition received small gifts, which were organised by THE parish administration OF Nautrēnu.
Audriņu primary school teacher Angela Sigajevo

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