Meetings of THE BELLA CUISINE management committee and working group were held in the city of Belarus in Polocka



On January 22, 2014, project No. LLB–2-266 “Improving culinary services in Latgale and Vitebsk regions based on the concept of culinary heritage” meetings of the Second Steering Committee and the Fourth Working Group in the city of Polocka, which took part in 11 project partners from Aglona, Kraslava, Dagda, Ludza, Rēzekne municipality council from the Executive Committee of the Latvian and Polocka District Executive Committee, the Education, Sports and Tourism Division of the District Committee of Le Peel and Glubokoje, the councils of Verhnedvinsk and Miora District Members, and the interactive support fund “interact” from Belarus.
During the meeting, the participants were presented with the activities carried out within THE FRAMEWORK OF THE BELLA CUISINE project, as well as further measures were discussed, including the “culinary heritage of the brochure in Latgale region and the Vitebsk area” and the total number of 6-day culinary routing and participation in three international exhibitions, “Balttour 2014” in Riga from 7 to 9 February, “Otdih without granic 2014” in Saint Petersburg from 4 to 6 April and “Otdih 2014” in Minsk from 10 to 13 April.
In May, an exchange of experience is planned for the Gotland region in Sweden 35 Latgale project coordinators and representatives of catering companies, as well as three festivals with cultural heritage topics in Polocca from 24 to 25 May, Kraslava – 19 July and the month of August in Ludza.
The second Steering Committee and the Fourth Working Group held a project LLB-2-266 “Improving culinary services in Latgale and Vitebsk regions, based on the concept of culinary heritage”. Total budget of the project: EUR 483 195,05. From this amount, 90% – 434 875.54 EURO is the support of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument for Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus.

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