Establishment of an open-air teaching class AT Audriņu primary school



In order to provide a practical and comfortable place for the diversification of the school learning process, the implementation of the project “Establishment of a free-nature teaching class AT Audriņu primary school” supported by the Environmental Protection Fund was launched. Within the framework OF the project, Audriņu in the primary school yard, a 16 th sq. of the household workshop, is a large log-log arbor. The owner of the Z/s “fox”, Ivan Cornut and his Chakl team, have performed all the necessary works – a concrete pile basin, an installed foothold, a sprinkler, a latch, a roof cover and a floor cover. The bed is treated with a lase for the protection of wood. The quality performance of works and the preparation of all necessary materials was closely followed BY THE 1 TP34T primary school manager Raitis Šakalov.
Audriņu primary school pupils, under the guidance of the household and technology teacher, were involved in the improvement work – made wooden board benches. With the help of the camp “in the Eu environment, the environment in me - 2015”, a natural trail was created and a bird feed was installed alongside the arbor. The production of flowers plantations takes place IN a collection of Audriņu primary school interest education programme “floriculum”, directed by Alīna Krasovska, primary school teacher. The spring leaves beautiful flowers compositions with pupils' own grown and planted flowers.
After realization OF the project, Audriņu elementary school students will use a classic study class in the learning process to deepen knowledge in many subjects – mathematics, chemistry, biology, geography, natural sciences, visual art, social sciences, ethics, physics and languages. In an open-class classroom, students study, experiment, work in practice, search, watch and conclude. As a logical follow-up to simple outdoor activities, scientific research and experiments can be followed.
Liana Turumer
Audriņu Basic School Director
2015-08-11 16.21.50-1 2015-04-21 09.00.31-1 2015-05-26 10.23.52-1 2015-06-02 13.09.20-2 2015-08-06 15.34.40-1 2015-08-06 15.35.13-1

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