European Heritage Days in Citizens



The events of the European Heritage Days will be held in Latvia from September 12 to September 15. This year the theme of European Heritage Days – “restoration”. This topic has been selected to focus more attention on the future challenges of the restoration industry and the development of the profession, reflecting the achievements of the restoration industry since the restoration of the independence of Latvia.
On 13 September, the Citizens' sv event will be held within the European Heritage Days. Anton in Roman Catholic Church. Some sources indicate that the church was built in 1772, but in 1670, according TO pilcenieša Lōch. It is one of the oldest, (perhaps the oldest Latgale) wooden churches in Latgale and the oldest Rēzekne municipality. The church's wooden bed was built by local masters with axe, without the help of saw. It was originally built as a Pilcene tomb chapel. The local craftsmen of the daddy log were lined with iron nails of local hills, and the centuries were toothed. In ancient articles, the Castle Catholic Church was marked as a Dricānu branch church. The church was swelled by Sv. On behalf of Anton, and one of the altar is dedicated to the Holy. The big altar painting shows the Pester at the cross. The church is an altar painting from, which is a cultural monument of national significance.
The object of this day is the painting of a restored cross in the central altar of the church. The painting is built on wood in the 18 th or 19 th century. The “crucifixion” of the Church of the castle church, with the support of the National Cultural Heritage Administration and the municipality of Rezekne, was restored as one of the first Latgale region.
Friday at 9.00 will take place at the school of the neighborhood, during which local young people will be guiding the excursion by church. Following the excursion in the church garden, a variety of creative workshops will be held, young people will be treated with tea and biscuits. At the end of the event, the participants will receive commemoration.
Saturday, September 14. 11.00 Holy mice, 12.00-15.00 literary - musical conversations in church and in the garden of the fire church “Come, talk, let us go!”
Welcome to all stakeholders! Let's talk to Henrik's bag, Peteri Lōci, Andris Angos, Anne Babri, then we'll sing with Anne Viaver, “Drycans dominants”, the folklore set “Bolt's man”.
A three-day event series will be concluded on Sunday. 13.00 Holy mice Sherjan and Dricānu women Cora “Townadze” and concert “Dzymtuo sata”, with local amateurs, neighbors and Rēzekne Jānis Ivanova music school students.
You're all welcome!
Genoveff Jonathan
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