The Rēzekne municipality also participates in the European Day of Cooperation



On 21 September, the European Territorial Cooperation Day was marked with the motto “along with its neighbours for a better future”. In order to inform the general public about the projects implemented and the development of friendly links between cross-border neighbors, representatives of the Rēzekne municipality, the Rēzekne City Council and the Personal Social Research Institute of Rezekne (PSPI) gathered in the premises of Rezekne High School.
During the meeting, visitors were informed about the “MODPART” project of Latvia - Lithuania's cross-border cooperation programme, introducing neuromuscular testing equipment (Biodex 4), local vibromassage and balance preservation technologies and other PSPI projects. Project promoters repeatedly pointed to successful cooperation between institute, university, municipality and city municipalities. As the Director of the Institute has said, Professor Lubkin says: “the main purpose of the Institute is to establish a link between science, practice and society as well as interdisciplinary research.”
The Rēzekne municipality's external liaison officer Inta Rimšāne said of his experience in the implementation of projects involving university students who have had the opportunity to participate in several international projects that year, such as the “solidarity” project (EU programme “Europe for Citizens”), the Croatian municipality co-ordinated project “spark” (EU programme “Comenius”) and elsewhere.
Inta Rimšāne also presented the “green management” project of Estonia – Latvia – Russia, which is currently being implemented by the municipality of Rezekne. It provides for the promotion and implementation of “green policy” in spatial development planning processes. As part of the project, the recovery works of Anchupan Park have already been launched in early September.
The municipality of Rezekne continues to be involved in the various projects co-financed by the European Union, as it improves cooperation with neighbouring countries, neighborhoods and cities, as well as improving the quality of life of the population in border regions.

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