Shadow Day in the municipality of Rezekne

On February 11, in the municipality of Rēzekne, the school's career education event “shadow day” was taking place in the municipality. The opportunity for a moment to feel the “skin” of a local government employee, as well as to learn more about the daily and work duties of specialists, was used by 17 young people. “Shadows” were both the Chairman of the Council and project coordinators, lawyers, works managers, cultural methodologies and other staff.

The most “shadows” were from the Rēzekne Arts and Design Secondary School, as well as the Varakalans High School, the Ciblas Secondary School, the School of School of Drug, the 1 st High School of Rezekne, the State of Rezekne, and other schools.

In the course of several hours, following the follow-up and day-to-day duties of the staff, the “shadows” acknowledged that the working day had been interesting and filled. Dana Dobrovowski, President of the Council of the City, Monweed Schwarz, said from college of Malnava, “In the shadows, i understand how tight the driver's day's rhythm is and how responsible it is. The President of the Council should be more focused on a wide range of issues, including construction, social sphere, education and culture. '“ In addition, we have to be aware of these different issues as similar to that of the professionals in each field, both with journalists and with the local people who can come and ask about a painful question, ”added Marija Satibaldijeva, the second head of the council, from the High School of Arts and Design of Rezekne.

In the course of the promotion, the pupils did not only follow the day-to-day work, but also with their ideas involved in the work process, and they could find answers to questions of interest to themselves in order to better understand whether such work would be appropriate in the future.

It should be noted that “shadow day” is the world's most popular career education promotion, during which students attend a workplace and observe the work day of a representative of the professions of interest within four to six hours. The aim of the shadow daily campaign is to introduce students with the requirements of different professions and industries to help young people to choose a profession and prepare themselves for the labour market, as well as demonstrate the relationship between education and careers, encouraging pupils to take a serious focus on learning. The promotion of cooperation between school, society and the working environment contributes to the integration of young people into society and the labour market in the future.

Infographic for shadow day

Domes priekšsēdētāja Monvīda Švarca sarunā ar Maltas pagasta pārvaldes vadītāju Vitāliju Skudru iesaistās arī Ārējo sakaru organizatore Laura Ieviņa ar Būvdarbu vadītājs Kristaps Kaļva ar Rēzeknes novada Bērnu un jaunatnes sporta skolas direktors Aldis Ciukmacis ar Kultūras metodiķe Ināra Grietiņa ar

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