Feimaņu parish night novo tournament 2017



On the evening of November 11, the most active residents OF Feimaņu parish gathered in a cultural house on Feimaņu parish “night novo tournament 2017”. 15 participants participated in the tournament. The players were divided into two subgroups: young people and adults.
The youth group had 10 participants aged 13-17. Raivis Spaļs, the second son of Vladislavs Karaņevsky, was awarded the first place in the group of young people, while Daniels Pulats won the third.
The adult group had a little less than a youth, only 5 participants, but it did not change the struggle and self-return. The absolute winner of the tournament, Sergei Gorin, who did not lose any game and win the first place, but the fight for the second and third place took place until the last game where Olita Cooks won and won second place, leaving Gunar Livdan in third place.
Thank THE people of Feimaņu parish and all visitors of the event for their participation in the event and FOR THE administration of Feimaņu parish for support!
Aivars Mežatuch,
Feimaņu parish youth affairs specialist
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