In front of the books, reading is a pleasure for children



Reading is a great opportunity for leisure time. However, in our urgent, busy and modern technology, there is still less time to read a book with a child. Getting acquainted with the book starts from early childhood. The sooner the child will know the world of books, the sooner he will love it and learn to listen. When adults read in front of young children, they help them know and understand the world. Children like games and playful working with texts.
Since most of the pre-school children attend kindergartens at this age, the cooperation between the PII and the library is not only useful but also necessary. Therefore, in response to the invitation to participate in the Adventes laika, the librarian went to the two-year-old AND three-year-old CHILDREN of THE Maltas PII group. They read together a book about cat Piachi, who walks around the street in his new white shoes. As he walks, he climbs into strawberries, melons, mud, and elsewhere, so his shoes always change color – white, blue, then brown and finally wet. In order for the reading to be more interactive, while reading the book with children, we changed the color shoes of the cat Pitch. The book on cats Piachu did not only strengthen the children's knowledge of colours, but also taught them how to avoid and cry if there was a failure. After hearing the story, each child manifested his artistic door—painted the cat in the color he wanted.
Dear parents and grandparents! Take time to your small, darling children and grandchildren to read a book! Reading in front of children, we make a significant contribution to the development of our child's language, thinking, memory and social skills. Come to a library where a child can choose his own age, interests, and tastes.
Let the reading of books become a daily habit!
Antoņina Kruze,
Maltas parish library children's literature department librarian
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