Possible co-financing of cultural monuments



In the 2015 budget, the municipality of Rezekne has allocated 30 thousand EURO to the preservation, restoration, preservation or emergency situation of national protected cultural monuments. Co-financing will be granted up to 20% of the total amount, but not more than EUR 8000, and the owners (possessors) of cultural monuments registered in the territory of Rezekne will be able to receive such co-financing.

According to Inara Pleikšne, head of the cultural division of the municipality of Rezekne, the need to develop a common order for funding is due to the fact that the local government has received numerous requests for participation in the rescuing of cultural monuments: “the prayer of Borisovka Old Believers in the house, the Church of the Old Believe of Iceland, THE Ozolaines parish church, THE Church OF Pušas and the gods of the church – these are only a few of the cultural monuments requiring financial assistance. Since, overall, the Rēzekne municipality has an enormous number of – 197 – national protected cultural monuments, we had to establish common criteria for the first to receive the aid to which it is most needed.”

For funding, by 16 April at 12.00 electronically, in e-mail Inara.Pleiksne@rezeknesnovads.lv, by post or personally in the municipality of Rezekne (in the alley OF release 95A, 2 nd floor, Cabinet 17), an application shall be submitted, indicating information regarding the ownership of the cultural monument, characterisation, necessity of preservation of cultural monument, works to be performed for improvement of the state of protection of cultural monument, performers of works, expected results, total budget estimates, as well as the costs of each activity (work).

The submitted applications will be assessed according to a number of criteria, including: whether the object corresponds to the status of a cultural monument and is publicly available, whether the preservation of the authenticity of a cultural monument or the cultural and societal social integration activities of a cultural monument is promoted, or a cultural monument conservation plan has been developed, or the rescue works of a cultural monument are urgent and other criteria.

More information: Head of the cultural division Inara Plexšne, e-mail: Inara.Pleiksne@rezeknesnovads.lv, tel.: 64607199.

Procedures for granting co-financing for the preservation of cultural monuments, application form, evaluation table

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