I'll show the tree so my school breathes!



On Monday, May 12, an educational event and diverse activities - lectures and workshops - lectures and workshops for teachers and pupils, with the aim of understanding how the day-to-day lifestyle and simple action can achieve significant changes in society and the quality of the environment, took place in the Rēzekne State Pole Gymnasium. It is essential that such regional measures also call for schools that have not hitherto been involved in the Ecosylum Programme but want to learn more about a responsible lifestyle and the practical expression of the programme. The Dagnia, Mara, Imalda, Agija, and Victoria were represented by the Dagnia, Mara, Imalda, Agija, and Victoria. The girls were dressed in environmentally-friendly dresses, a candy paper-shaped dress.
The event demonstrates inspiring examples of action through the participation of pupils and teachers from Latgale ecoschools, guests, to seek together ideas for the implementation of environmentally friendly lifestyles on a daily basis. An environmental expert from the Baltic Environment Forum – Walter Toropov, Martin Knite from Ekopjka – supports the environment for environmentally friendly lifestyles.
Besides these lectures and workshops, there was a “familiarisation” activity that focused more on guests who were interested in the practical expression of the Eco-Schools programme. Later, seven other workshops were held, in which representatives of Eco-schools participated (also we), bringing together the other seven themes of the programme in a creative manner.
Since the weather was not favourable to the planned joint move, the event was concluded at the school with “picnic planet” - a symbolic meal consisting of local, organically grown and otherwise “planet friendly” food. In the “planet picnic” respect, our self-baked bread was made up of our school's most active, creative and most active mom, the President-in-Office of the Pricana Secondary School of Education, Solvita.
The participants had the opportunity to position the photo and video workshops where we created our “promise to the planet” that would later be shown to the general public. The Pricana EKOSchool said, “I'll show the tree so my school breathes!”

Eco-coordinator Sandra's sun was present and present.

Ekoskolas meitenes ekoloģiskos tērposekoskolu pasākums

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