Invitations to tender “Latgale region entrepreneurs' annual prize 2017”


Business News

The Latgale Planning Region (LPR) Latgale Business Centre (LUC), with the support of THE BR Development Council, organises the competition “Latgales region entrepreneurs annual prize 2017” from 9 October to 18 November of that year. The aim of the competition is to identify and honor entrepreneurs of Latgale planning region who are active and honest in their sector, contributing to the development of the business environment in Latgale region. The competition will also contribute to the visibility of entrepreneurs in Latgale planning region by promoting examples of good business practices in Latgale.
The competition is intended to honor companies in 5 nominations – the largest taxpayer, the largest employer, the socially responsible company, the annual farmer and the year's new merchant 2017.
The right to nominate tenderers for the competition “Annual Award of Latgale Enterprises 2017” shall be for any citizen, organisation, company collector, merchant, association, institution and local government.
The competition takes place for a quarter of a year and also the invitation to tender issued this year stipulates that the winners of previous years may not apply for their participation in the same competition nomination.
We call on municipalities to cooperate in the course of the competition by inserting information in local government homepages, as well as by submitting candidates to tender nominations.
Completed questionnaires by 1 November 2017 shall be delivered to Latgale planning region Latgale business centre in Daugavpils, solar street 15 (LV-5401) in person, by post or by sending electronically to e-mail address in
Tender by-laws
Application questionnaire
Iveta Kalina - Tahne,
Head of the Latgale Planning Region Administration

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