Announcement of the 2015 Nordplus programme



The National Education Development Agency (VIAA) invites educational institutions and organisations active in the field of education to submit applications to Nordplus youth, adult, higher education and horizontal and Nordic language programmes to implement cooperation projects in education between the Baltic States and the Nordic countries.

The total budget of the Nordplus programme for 2015 is around eur 9.3 million. The Baltic States and the Nordic countries are participating in the programme: Denmark (including Greenland and Faroe Islands), Finland, (including Åland Islands), Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Nordplus projects promote intercultural cooperation, improve and implement innovation in the Nordic and Baltic States' education systems.

By 2 March 2015 applications may be submitted in the following Nordplus sub-programmes:

  • Youth programme - projects have an opportunity to implement pupil classes at their peers, pupil practices, teacher exchanges and other activities that improve the quality of education, develop intercultural dialogue, promote the learning of the Nordic and Baltic languages;
  • Higher education programme - supports the exchange of experience of the northern and Baltic-region educational institutions, the transfer and joint creation of innovative ideas, the development of cooperation with employers, the development of multi-university joint programmes as well as the mobility projects of individual students and teachers.
  • The adult learning programme - Developing cooperation between adult learning institutions and introducing innovation to improve the quality of adult learning, strengthening the growing basic competences, creating a closer link between adult learning and working life;
  • The Nordic language programme – a cross-sectoral programme that facilitates the acquisition of Nordic languages (primary Danish, Norwegian and Swedish) for children, young people, adults, and supports the development of teaching materials, methods and strategies of these languages at all levels of education systems. Also promote transnational and cross-sectoral cooperation in the language learning of the Nordic countries;
  • Horizontal programme - a cross-sectoral programme that provides new and expanded opportunities for cooperation in lifelong learning, with activities such as seminars, conferences, innovative courses etc.

All Leads 2015 8, 13 and 16 January calls for information seminars organised by VIAA on the conditions of the Nordplus project tender. The information ON the VIAA website will be placed in the near future. More on project competitions, the objectives of each programme, the experience of project promoters and the amount of co-financing read ON THE VIAA website or Nordplus on the Internet

Useful links in project preparation:

In the case of questions or uncertainties, we are invited to contact THE Senior Project Manager of THE VIAA International Cooperation Program, Liena gailites, Tel. 67785424, e-mail: or

Source of information: National Education Development Agency

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