Set up a working group for optimisation of pre-school education institutions and schools



The Ministry of Education and Science has decided to adopt the new pedagogical pay model as from the 2016/17 s. According to this model, the principle “money follows a pupil” remains unchanged but a substantial change in the source of funding for the pay of teachers, that is, a higher financial burden will be imposed directly on municipalities. At the same time, the number of students in Rezekne municipality is reduced – since 2009, the number of pupils has decreased by 700, so it is necessary to assess the situation and optimise the educational institutions in the territory of Rezekne municipality. In order to do this, a decision on the establishment of a working group for the optimisation of pre-school education institutions and schools was adopted at the meeting of the Standing Committee on Education, Culture and Sports of the municipality of Rēzekne on 24 September.

The head of the working group will be the head of the educational administration Lily Zukovsky. The work group will be composed of the head of the head of the educational administration, the Member of the Rēzekne District Council Vilis Deksnis, the economist of the educational administration Janina Lazovska, the Latvian Education and Science Workers' Unions Rēzekne Municipality and Viļānu of the Council Vice-President Dikule, Head of Development Planning Division Anna Jaudzema, Nautrēnu High School Director and Member of Rezekne District Council Anita Zogota, as well as Members of Rezekne's municipality, Peteris Stanka and Kaspars Melnis. Representatives of the industry, schools and pre-school educational institutions will also be invited to attend the meetings of the Working Party.

The task of the working group will be to collect information on the current situation in educational institutions and to carry out an analysis of the situation in the light of three guidelines:

  • quality of education: quality education must be provided to all educational institutions, irrespective of their location,
  • the availability of an educational service – the principle that the lowest children (pre-school and primary school) should be as close as possible to the place of residence, while the other pupils get to the school in a maximum period of time,
  • efficient use of financial resources: three funders should be assessed: a national budget covering wages and salaries for teachers, a municipality that maintains school infrastructure, technical staff, interest and vocational training, and pay for pupils' transport expenses and parental funds that provide the preparation of children to the school.

The working group is scheduled to meet at the beginning of October. On the progress of the working group meetings and the issues dealt with, the citizens will be informed on a regular basis, as, as the Chairman OF the Rēzekne council OF Monvīds Švarcs emphasizes, no decision will be taken without the involvement of the public and a thorough hearing of the opinion.

If you want to participate in working group meetings and express your opinion, you are invited to contact Lily Zukovsk, head of the working group, e-mail:, tel.: 64607201.

Madara Laksa,
Public relations specialist of the municipality of Rezekne

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