In the second year competition “eruditis” is triumphed BY Nautrēnu secondary school team



On April 19, a five-game cycle of “eruditis 2017” was concluded. In this school year, the Rēzekne municipality and Viļānu of the school team searched for answers to questions about and around Latvian cultural heritage.

12 teams participated in the competition, including three teams from Maltas High School, two teams from Nautrēnu secondary school and Viļānu secondary schools, as well as one team from Eastern Latgalia High School, Dricānu, Kaunatas, Tiskad and Lucia Ranāne McKashan High Schools.

In the previous round of the game, they knew all the rest of Latvia, at the end of the competition, the teams “returned home”, or tested their knowledge of Latgale. The pupils had to recognize the music of John Streich's film and Latgale-known musicians, know that the curd is a sipisnament, the ribs are brushes, but the Internet is a chicken steak, as well as answering a variety of questions about Latgale, for example, whose Latgalian poet has received Cardinal Juliana Vaivoda Prize (Anna Rancāne), with which, at the beginning of the 20 th century, Adamov was famous throughout the world (with a mineral water deposit), in which the city of Latgale opened a monument to the wife (Preilos) in 2003 in the city of Latgale.

In a total of 160 points, the TRIPLE-school I team (Kārlis Barkans, Christine Lebane, Christine Gailuma, Armands Ivolans, Sandra Tim, Amanda Lele) won the second year. At 2 nd place, Maltas High School I was ranked with 152.5 points, while the 3 rd place was acquired BY THE Nautrēnu Secondary School II team.

In gratitude for participation in the Rēzekne municipality, the municipality will give an excursion to Estonia on 2 June, where students will be able to visit Tartu's old city, the ice age centre and THE AHHAA science centre, as well as climb the Munamegi. The winners of the competition also received a gift card of 450 EUR which could be used for the trip to their destination.


Madara Burtina,
Public relations specialist of the municipality of Rezekne

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