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For young people

In order to promote the development of entrepreneurship in the territory of Rezekne District and to support the implementation of the business ideas of young people, the Government Education Board of Rezekne launches a tender regarding granting of financing to new entrepreneurs' projects in 2017-2018.
Natural or legal persons aged up to 30 years who implement or plan to pursue entrepreneurship in rural areas of Rezekne District may participate in the competition.
In order to participate in a competition and to qualify for a sum of 500 to 2,000 EURO for the development of its business, the applicant must submit a business plan consisting of the application form, project description and budget estimates by 19 December 2017. Applications may be submitted by post or personally in the educational administration of the municipality of Rezekne (release alley 95A, LV-4601, Cabinet 3).
The financing of the tender may be obtained for the purchase of inventory, equipment, materials and raw materials, as well as for the payment of services directly related to the implementation of the project.
In total, 4500 EURO is allocated to the budget of the municipality of Rezekne.
BORDER_RN new lookup 2017_2018

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