Boiler house reconstruction works at “Viļānu Hospital”

Purchase identification number - VSL 2012/2
Deadline for submission of tenders - February 14, 2012 at 12.00 by submitting tenders in person or by post in the form of a registered letter
Name and address of the commissioning party - SIA “Viļānu Hospital”, Riga Street 57, Viļāni, Viļānu municipality, LV-4650
Subject-matter of procurement – boiler house reconstruction works at “Viļānu Hospital”
Place of submission of tenders - Riga Street 57, Viļānos, Viļānu municipality, LV-4650 in 21 st office
Contact person - SIA “Viļānu Hospital”, Juris Vidiņš, tel. 29418767, e-mail:

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