Class lessons at the High School on Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union



In order to inform and educate the Latvian Presidency of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the school invited representatives of the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia, Alaon Nikolaev. The meeting took place on 17 April, during which time classes 1-4, 5-8 and 9-11 took place in class hours on the topic “European Union and what the Presidency of the Council of the European Union means”.
The pupils repeated the symbols of the European Union, listened to the anthem, learned THE words OF THE EU, watched the presentations, the movies, the virtual trips for the countries of the European Union. They could try to feel the role of the President of the European Union and try to answer the questions: “what are the common problems in the European Union?” “what questions would you like to discuss with other countries?”. Responses were different: improving the cultural life of young people, more entertainment activities for children, creating new jobs, etc. The question “who would like to be the President of the European Union?” the secondary school pupils responded thoughtfully and noted that it was a very complex and difficult work -- to make decisions and be responsible for them.
The primary school pupils learned much new about the European Union during the course of the lesson, while primary and secondary school students developed their knowledge of the European Union, the importance of the Latvian Presidency and priority directions of work on the Council of the European Union, discussing career opportunities. To apply one profession to the Internet links –, During all three classes, the pupils answered questions and received prizes for the correct answers – the European Union map. For all students, Alaona distributed interesting information material on the European Union and the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
At the end of the lessons, the pupils concluded that everyone needed to be aware of their responsibilities, to be curious and to learn well, to constantly improve their knowledge, to be their families, schools, parish, municipality and national patriots, to make the right decisions in their lives, not to be lazy, and not to fear difficulties and responsibilities in any work, to be active, to contribute to the improvement of the cultural life of young people and to the growth of their careers.
Olga Missevich
Director of the Typical High School 
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