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Project implementers: the Academy of Technology and Partners of Rezekne – the municipality of Rezekne, the municipality of Ludza District, the Municipality of Lephans, the municipality of Madona, the association “Latvian Innovators Association” and the association “Biomass Technology Centre”.
The second part of the forum will present the main focus of the project “Sustaining the sustainability of Latvia – educated people and the preservation of natural values – in the conferences held during the implementation of the centuries of Latgale Congress in Rēzekne, Ludza, Madona and the topics discussed in Livans, characterisation of the current situation analysis, the most important opinions expressed by experts and recommendations for the development of quality regional policy in Latvia and Latgale.
Following the presentation of the project, a high-level expert commentary session will be followed, which will outline possible national sustainable development scenarios, the necessary steps to be taken to ensure that the proposals made in conferences are implemented in a long-term perspective.
At the time of the forum, the exhibition “Natural” dedicated to the decade of Razna National Park and the natural values will also be revealed.
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The Forum is invited to participate in the media.
The project “Sustainability of Latvia - educated people and preservation of natural values” is dedicated to the centuries of Latvia and is implemented with financial support from the Latvian Environment Protection Fund and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development.
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project coordinator,
Akadēmiķis Jānis Stradiņš un Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmijas rektors Edmunds Teirumnieks apspriež foruma programmu.
Photo: Maris Justs

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