May – Time of Honor of the Virgin



May in the calendar of the Roman Catholic Church is the Month of the Holy Virgin – time when special services and prayers are devoted to it. The May Goods are peculiar rituals for the honesty of the Virgin Mary, when people gather at crucifixes on their knees, on their crossroads, to ancient and not so ancient rural houses, to sing songs to the honour of God, to count the rosary, to sing a lithium for the young Mary, to pray for God and God's blessing, to be a spiritual anchorage. This almost 200-year-old Catholic tradition has remained in Latgale.
The people of May are called singing at the cross and held on their own initiative, most often without the presence of clerks. The Heads of Service are from the middle, most often the older wives who are well aware of the ritual of the ritual, know the melodies and know how to start the next song.
The central element of the May service is Maria's songs, which have been told about Maria's life, suffering and merit in the benefit of humanity. Traditional song melodies are transferred from generation to generation in a manner similar to that of peoples. The choice and sequence of songs shall be determined in each case by the experience of the singers present and the local traditions. A significant element of the service is the Bible readings devoted to each day of May.
This tradition was introduced in Rome in 1750 by Jesuit, but as of the of May, the service became known throughout the Catholic world. In Latgale, this tradition was shared and honoured during the Latvian holiday, but during the Soviet period many crucifixes were dropped and destroyed, the tradition began to disappear, as the believers were persecuted during this period. As the awakening period began, the Catholic traditions were also renewed. The cross-border crossings were restored in many places and hence the May-month tradition was also MR Trassa's museum “Colnasate” in the apple garden was also fitted with a crucifix, where people, not just museum visitors, had the opportunity to pray and thank God.
Although Sv. The May Goods of the New York City are characterised by the phenomenon of Catholic worlds, the circumstances, form and inheritance of the Catholic world. In the cultural canon of Latvia, the tradition in May to hold church services at the cross-border crossings, or singing at the cross, is included as a single value together with the deceased opicide or straw singing. I believe that we can be proud that Latgale traditions have been noticed and assessed.
Ruth cibule, head of the Central Library of Prize, emphasizes: “there are things that describe, Latgale more specific than other leads, and that is the May singing at the crossings. In order to avoid this tradition, it is important for us not only to explore and document this tradition, but also to actively participate in the preservation and transfer of this tradition to future generations.“ When listening to R. Cibule, this year, the Colnasate Museum of Franz Trassun gathered the closest and far-neighboring believers at Colnasat's crucifix, so that Imanta Petrovski and the folklore of the folklore, “Colnasate” (lead Madara Broisha), would be praying and singing songs of honour for the young or Maria.
Inta Decree,
F. Tradog museum “Colnasate” Director p.i.
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Solvita Teilanes photo

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