Maltā selected “national loud reading competitions” semi-finalists



The “national loud reading competition” – the participants of the event for the first time in Latvia became Maltas grade 5-6 pupils who, on 29 November in the school library, and 1 December – Maltas parish libraries, read the brightest pieces of their own books in front of their teachers and supporters.
In the introduction and closing of the two selection days, the leader and co-ordinator OF this event AT Maltas parish library, Antoņina Krūza, informed about the course of the activity, the stages and the encouragement of the title of the loud reading champion. She also emphasized that it is a good idea for each child to participate, as they and Latvia have a new experience coming from the Netherlands, where the campaign has been taking place for 23 years, but our country is being implemented alongside the reading promotion programme “children, youth and parents' jury”.
The competition will take place in three stages at local, regional and national level. In the first round of the selection, in the 6 th class group (with the help of the teacher Nellie Krasnobai, the Irene Strode, Vitalis Petrusenkova, and the support), on 29 November, her reading skill showed: Maris Dembovsky (well based on the choice of beauty and agreed to speak first); Valerie Rumianceva (very pronounced, told both the book and the reading piece); Vika Zelch (an interesting snippet of the whiteness of the spottage); Jelizaveta Barkanceva (had examined the book in detail and interested in reading it); Elisaveta Barkanceva (a detailed and well-discovered story and the frequency of the word “Korolin”, and the frequency of the expression of the word “Korolinna”; Darja Kurmewski (pleased with the attention of the audience, and the frequency of the word “Korolin”); Diana Zaikovsky (pleased with the expression, courage, and his honesty); Children had chosen so serious, sometimes even complicated fragments about such topical topics, but it only shows the susceptibility and interest.
On December 1, 1 TP44T upper secondary school pupils (teacher Skaidritte Babre) gathered on the loud reading competition IN Maltas parish library. In front of the classmates and the jury, the following spoke: Emile Chernishev (with a courageous discovery of the story and a convincing reading of the expression), John Grudrick (offering a very exciting and humorative passage and really interested in the public), Agate Guiibowska (with a sibilical deep, feeling reading and even aforistic lines), Raivis Madeleans (with a convincing, smooth reading), Ramona Oltina (emotionally, and giving a good diction to the ghost of the ghost story), Vlads Patejks-Pateuks (quickly reading the ability to reveal the main accents of the emotional plot), Angelika Percova (with an expression of early reading of the story, and not feeling the complicated personal name), the Angelika Percova (with an expression in a hushed tone), Luris Vasilevsky (with a steady tone of voice, and a public speech), This class was indeed friendly, and after awarding, the diplomas received, bookmarks and coloured pens made by librarians, all made their way back to school.
The jury did not have an easy task, and the smallest nuances were assessed, which would allow the choice of the pupils who would be able to compete on a scale. The jury members – Erika Grigorjeva (1 TP44T parish library manager), Irene Strode (head of THE Maltas High School Library), Elhusband pinka (Maltas parish library librarian) and Skaidrīte Svikša (journalist of the local Latgale newspaper, and Maltas BJC journalist) – agreed that this competition was an interesting idea to promote the readiness of the reading, the opportunity for children to gain experience in front of the audience, and in such a complex way as a loud reading. Similarly, this activity reveals the amplitude of the children's reading substance and also allowed children to visit the library once and after hearing interest in a book.
The jury had to select only one member from each class, who would show his skills at a level, and it would be in the 6 th class. Cynthia Diana Potapova, but in class 5: Emile Chernishev. The jury emphasized the fact – you are already the FIRST participants in this competition – and that is the most important. For both representatives OF Maltas, as teachers continue to develop, and succeed in disclosing their full potential!
P.S. many, presumably strange, appear to be the word “race”, but it turns out that in a single number it is used when it comes to comparing pupils' skills, but in the plural, when the team's work is evaluated and usually in sport. So that the measure is educational not only for children!
Skaidrite Squicky, Member of the jury
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