Maltas Children and Youth Centre is implementing two projects for young people


For young people

In the summer of summer Maltas, the children and youth centre carried out two identifying and active projects: an active lifestyle project for young people “be moving” (23 August) and an informal training project for young people “asma Latgalites” (27-29 August).
The purpose and tasks of the project “being in motion” were to promote healthy, active lifestyles among young people, as well as to organise a day of different summer sports activities for young people in the water tourism development centre “lighthouse”. The objective and objectives of the project had been achieved, as eighteen Maltas, Lūznavas and Silmalas young people actively and enthusiastically spent the day at the water tourism development centre “lighthouse”, painted on the shore of Luban Lake. Project participants were involved in various sports games and team hunting activities. The Sports Square and Sports Inventories of the Water Tourism Development Centre gave young people the opportunity to learn new skills in summer sports such as volleyball and tennis. In addition to sports games, it was possible to acquire boating with SUPboards and peaks. Young people were delighted to participate in group work and group hunting activities led by the visitor Janis Šaudins. The day ran into a fun and active atmosphere.
The aim of the second project “asmas Latgalites” was to promote the patriotic consciousness of young people in Rezekne, to encourage interest in Latgale culture. Today, young people are little interested in the ancient and do not know how interesting it is. Many traditions are forgotten. Therefore, the cultural heritage of Latgale was introduced through a variety of activities.
On the first day after the band members were hunted and acquainted with their activities, the young people went to see and get acquainted with the Ushpeal workshop of the podiers. In the colorific field, the project participants met the artist Aivars Ushpeal's workshop and the housekeepers, Ushmouse oil paintings, surveyed the collection of antiques. In the afternoon, young people went to visit Kroma College, where the ancient history of Latvians, unique, furnished and diverse jewellery, ancient soldiers' equipment, weapons, the art of fighting and reconciliation. Young people also had an opportunity to try the arts of shooting, which was a real challenge for some. The first day of the day was spent in the “Androupenes rural area”. Skaidrite Paulina, the guest of the waiter museum, conducted an excursion, during which young people knew both the day-to-day work of the ancestors and the need for a variety of posts, and the possibilities of burning the large biscuit and clay products today. The excursion gave young people an opportunity to get an idea of ancient Latin values in the 9 th-13 th century. In order to feel the spirit of Latgalians, the power of life and the culinary heritage, the young people also worked in practice, in the management of the province of Andrupenes rural town, the Latvian national food was prepared in the creative workshop – “mapockas”. A few days later, the young people enjoyed a rich dinner. The participants of the project could taste a warm bread, a sailor, a potato biscuit with peeled peel and onions, as well as a farmhouse fat.
On the second day, young people were working in groups, studying what “Latgalian” was, doing various tasks in the activity of photography by Malta. In the afternoon, he met THE exhibition of Maltas history museum “Maltas parish in centuries from Rozentova to Borovaya and Maltai” and met journalists and the Latgalic Thematic Page Builder in “local Latgale newspaper” Skaidritis Swikes, learned about the specificities of Latgalian grammar and real but forgotten Latgalian words that did not return the young people in ancient history and reminded the importance of the preservation of the language. At the end of the day, under the direction of Iveta Alias, young people could be fun and gambling evening, dancing ethnographic toddles.
On the third day of the project, it was possible to get to know Latgale Embassy GORE, try to dance at the horeographic hall, find his ideal place in the small and big hall, look at the stage and artists' rooms, enjoy the wind, the sun and the city landscape from the roof terrace, feel the special GORE aura. Then, along with Gidi Marina Sokolov, he went into an exciting excursion along Latgale's heart, Rēzekne, walking the historical sites and streets. The young people looked at the painting of the walls with the same guide—ancient postcards and urban photographs of ancient photographs, visited the only Green synagogue preserved in Rezekne. At the end of the day, the participants of the project went to Maija Gailumas to introduce Latgale “gold” to the creative workshop. Young people with great enthusiasm turned each other into their “golden fish.”
Overall, 16 young people aged 12-21 took part in training. The participants of the project acknowledged that these training gave the opportunity to explore Latgale culture, language, traditions, posts and usefully spend free time, creative expression and new friends.
Thanks to anyone who helped to realize the project, which, with his enthusiastic narrative or activity, gave the young people a desire and ability to be aware of their roots and their affiliation to the Latgalian.
Inta Bule,
project Coordinator
12 45 8 9 13

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