Mommy festival Sakstagala Jānis KCo at Basic School



On Mommy's concert school this year we were also invited by the members of the “Powers” competition - Mommy, Grandma. The participants of the competition were thinking all winter, making the boy's favorite beans. The work was created in various techniques - knitted beans, crochets, pearls, embroidered, made of felt and creppaper.
The contest included 21 mother, 4 grandmother, 1 aunt, 3 aunts - Momma girlfriends - a total of 29 participants: Marina Kole, Jolanta Sokolova, Ineta Strucinska, Inta Daugule, Yelena Golubeva, Anita Ivchenkova, Nina Mereshchenkova, Yelena Korsaka, Horse Rastopchina, Alain Bogdanov, Yelena Božanova, Rita Baranovska, Yelena Nevedomaya, Emerita Timofejeva, raisa Petrova, Anita Cercene, Lemerita Timofeyeva, Livia Bondare, Anita Cercene, Rita Timofeyeva, Livia Bondare, Helena Vasilyeva, Ludmila Jaluva, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Margaret, Anita Cercene, Rita Timofeyeva, Margaret Nvedomaya, Helen Vasilyeva, Ludmila Jaluva, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Margaret, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Margaret, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Margaret, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Ludy Bondare, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Margaret, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Ludy Bondare, Helen Vasilyeva, Ludmila Žaluva, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Ludy Bondare, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Margaret, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Ludy Bondare, Helen Vasilyeva, Ludmila Jaluva, Anita Cercene, Zoja Lāce, Ludmila Jaluva, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Livia Bondare, Helen Vasilyeva, Inese Kole, Livia Bondare, Helena Vasilyeva, Elga, and Anita Doroshua, Helena Vasilyeva, Ludmila Jaluva, Anita Cercene, Zoja Lāce, Ludmila Jaluva, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Ludy Bondare, Inna Cercene, Inese Kole, Livia Bondare, Anita Cercene, Inese Kole, Livia Bondare, Helena Vasilyeva, Elga, and Anita Doroshua, Helena Vasilyeva, Ludmila Jaluva, Anita Cercene, Zoja Lāce, Ludmila Jaluva, Anita Cercene, Ilmerita Timofeyeva, Ludy Bondare, Helena Vasilyeva, Inese Kole, Liv Many participants in our competitions for pupils' parents took part for the third time. Thanks to them, the school's 2 nd floor corridor now houses 36 workshops, like the yellow bays that singing in a grassland at school every year.
As well as the 5 th-9 th class, the “practical Latvian” boy, Alexander Doroshchonoka, was also working. They were the ones who prepared gifts for the bidders - meat boards from wood, silk, pork and other forms. Cut, sloped and polished, and kept it secret, so that the concert would surprise the chuckle handmen. In the bonus, another teacher, Alexander, played on the guitar and sang a beautiful wish to the “mother”.
Thank you for the common moment of surprise!
Sylvia Freiberga
Director of the School 
Photo: Alexander Samsonov 
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