Let's look for an idea for the development of ideas in rural business with Martin Lobam's mood in Dricans



Martins is an ancient and traditionally rich celebration of the winter of Latvian winter, when the time of deletion and grazing of cattle came to an end. They closed a long and hard period of work, making the rest of the autumn work as long as the land had not gone to peace. The Rēzekne municipality is also led by rural susceptible people, concluding autumn work, Martins, on 10 November gathering AT Dricānu parish cultural house to participate in seminar business opportunities in rural areas, as well as offering their products to the traditional Rēzekne municipality and the domestic producers “Lobs lobby”, which will be held in Dricans this time.
The seminar and the “Lobs lobby” market will start at 10.00. Local residents and parish guests will have the opportunity to buy the smeķīgos delicious delicious delicts of the domestic producers of Rezekne. The market will offer home smoked meat, dried fish, fruit and vegetables, various spices, tea and brushes, skilful housepiles and crochets and woven fabrics of masters, as well as traditional Latgale ceramics. The meat will be offered by the association “Latgolys Gold”, fish - z/s “fishermen” and cheeses z/s “travellers”, as well as the possibility to purchase another, the production of the local residents of the population. Dricāniem will also go TO Maltas and Kaunatas secondary school students who will test their skills in the sale of products, as well as enable the buyer to assess the quality of the new business products.
A seminar on business opportunities in rural areas will be held in parallel to trade IN Dricānu. At 10:00, the event will be opened by a representative from the Latvian Rural Consultation and Education Centre Rezekne Division, explaining the possibilities to commence entrepreneurship in rural areas. Skaidrīte Baltace, head of the Latvian Investment Development Agency (LIAA) Rēzekne business incubator, will provide an insight into how to turn the idea into a business incubator into a real business, while the senior advisor of the “LEARN” foundation, Dina Butler, will share information on the support of the municipality of Rezekne in his presentation.
Invite interesting login to a seminar by email sanita.zunda@rezeknesnovads.lv or calling 25740422
You may also be invited to sell the wickers!
Guntis Khalifa,
IUK Commercial Specialist
nov_lobs lobam 3

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