Miķelis visited Audriņu at primary school



Traditionally, at the end of September, a harvest festival is held throughout Latvia – Miķelday fairs. They are also very popular and welcome AT THE Audriņu primary school.
On 30 September, pupils, teachers, parents, parish residents gathered in the primary school premises. The range of goods offered was very broad this year – both the culinary outlet, the miracles of the works and the wealth grown in the garden.
The event was fun and exciting. However, the preparatory phase was quite severe. Children had to decide which item would be up to date, demand from purchasers, select an attractive packaging, draw up a price list, provide discounts if the item was not purchased, etc.
As a result of the event, the small Cipars had a creative anxiety – to count the income, to plan for further activities, to eat after selling biscuits, cakes, apples.
The Miķelday annual event plays a major role in the context of global education and interdisciplinary education. Because students learn and apply in practice both mathematics, language and social sciences, natural sciences, etc., raise autonomy and responsibility for their actions.
Autumn fairs AT Audriņu in elementary school have been sounded. Let's prepare for the next – we'll collect ideas and ideas.
Oxana Brokane,
Secondary school teacher

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